Nicolas Revel succeeds Martin Hirsch at the head of the AP-HP

Nicolas Revel succeeds Martin Hirsch at the head of the

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    The former director of Jean Castex’s cabinet in Matignon, who led the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) from 2014 to 2020, will lead the first French hospital group.

    At 56, Nicolas Revel, enarque trained at the Court of Auditors, will take the head of the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) from July 5. A great challenge in the midst of a hospital crisis.

    New arrival for a new beginning?

    Before his time at Matignon (2020-2022), Nicolas Revel had headed the National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam) from 2014 to 2020. A position awarded by former President François Hollande, who hired him in 2012 as Deputy Secretary General of the Elysée, alongside Emmanuel Macron.

    Also technical adviser for a time to Jean Glavany at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nicolas Revel had joined and then headed the cabinet of Bertrand Delanoë at the town hall of Paris.

    From now on, he succeeds Martin Hirsch, in office for almost nine years at the head of the Public Assistance-Hospitals of Paris, who announced his departure, on June 17, in a complicated context.

    The leading French hospital group (39 establishments, nearly 100,000 employees) has indeed been hit hard by the crisis (closing of beds, departure of caregivers, degraded services, etc.).

    The AP-HP, in crisis for months

    “We lack 1400 nurses compared to what we would like to have”had announced Martin Hirsch on May 30, on France Inter, stressing that this corresponded to “1000 fewer nurses than a year ago” and “400 additional positions that we wanted to create and that we could not create”.

    In question ? Nurses”who have changed jobs, who have gone into the private sector, who have gone to the provinces, who have not come to work after graduating last summer”according to the former director general of the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, who also regrets that many of the staff “use this soft drug of the interim which puts us in an absolutely terrible situation”.

    A general deterioration of the public hospital, which is likely to worsen further this summer.

    The whole emergency system is derailed” and “the worst is unfortunately not behind but in front of us…“, underlines the Sud Santé Social union of the CHU of Bordeaux, in a press release.
