From the “hostage” aid of the Superbonus: that’s why

From the hostage aid of the Superbonus thats why

(Finance) – The long day in the Chamber, which was busy discussing the aid decree with the majority splitting (once again) on the superbonus. A race against time given that the text must be converted into law by July 16 and the green light of Palazzo Madama is still missing.

The parties that support the government are in fibrillation and despite the fact that Palazzo Chigi has shown the maximum willingness to dialogue with the parties throughout the day, giving them all the time possible to avoid trust (as long as they find an agreement in due time) l understanding is not reached.

Meanwhile, time is running out – it should be noted – for a measure that is worth more than 20 billion that must be disbursed in favor of citizens and the country system. A stalemate that is, in fact, opening up the road to trust. And this despite the executive’s maximum willingness to avoid it.

Tension rises, with the Movement ready to make a wall. The part concerning the superbonus, one of the flag measures of the pentastellati, is questioning the ok to the provision. Majority meetings with the government all ended with one black smoke. The knot that is leading towards the crest of the vote of confidence would be the request for the pentastellati of change the rule on the superbonus contained in the decree to which the Executive said no because, according to what it filters, there would be a problem of coverages (about 3 billion) that are missing from the appeal.

The Minister for Relations with Parliament is negotiating directly Federico D’Incà that in the evening, faced with the split of the majority, announces that it will now be decided with Palazzo Chigi how to go forward: “In close liaison with the Prime Minister, I probed all the forces of the majority to understand if it was possible to find an agreement to avoid to put the question of trust on the Aid decree. At this point the key to the problem is in the hands of the premier. Faced with the risk of the road of no return, the only way forward, it is noted in parliamentary circles, is to have the government place trust.
