Attention! Can cause cancer if not taken care of

Attention Can cause cancer if not taken care of

Fatty liver develops when the body produces too much fat or does not metabolize it effectively enough. Excess fat is stored in liver cells, where the accumulated fat causes liver disease. Fatty liver can develop due to many reasons. Excessive alcohol use, obesity, side effects of various drugs, rapid weight loss, pregnancy, genetic factors are among the causes of fatty liver. Medical Oncology Specialist Prof. Dr. Uğur Coşkun stated that fatty liver, which occurs as a result of excessive fat storage in liver cells, is quite common in our country as well as all over the world. Emphasizing that fatty liver can also lead to greater ailments in cases where precautions are not taken, Prof. Dr. Coşkun said, “Leveraging, which can develop due to many factors other than alcohol, such as obesity, high cholesterol levels, diabetes and sedentary life, can unfortunately lead to bad results that progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer over time, if precautions are not taken.”


Emphasizing that there are studies showing that fatty liver can progress to cancer if no precautions are taken, Prof. Dr. Coskun said:
“In the study carried out by Noato Fujiwara et al. at the University of Texas, it was claimed that the risk of liver cancer can be determined beforehand with a blood test developed in people with fatty liver. In a study published a few weeks ago in the journal Science Translational Medicine, they examined the states of 133 different genes in 409 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and classified the patients as high-risk and low-risk based on these results. Liver cancer was found significantly more in the high-risk group. In terms of practical use, the researchers, who managed to measure these gene proteins in the blood, found that 37.6 percent of liver cancer cases in the high-risk group at the end of 15-year follow-up, while they did not see any liver cancer cases in the low-risk group.



Underlining that fatty liver is one of the most important health problems of our time, Coşkun said, “It is a health problem that can be relatively ignored by both patients and some physicians, since it does not show any symptoms at first. However, negative results, which can reach liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, can occur insidiously. If the results obtained with the simple blood test in this study can be confirmed by larger studies, this test may enter our practical use and provide early detection of risky patients. Risky patients detected in this way can be followed closely with imaging methods such as ultrasound, and interventions for treatment can be activated earlier.



Among the symptoms of fatty liver are severe pain in the upper right side of the abdomen or cases that develop when the person feels extreme tiredness. In rare cases of liver disease due to fatty liver, various symptoms can be seen on the skin. Itching and rash may occur due to itching. Apart from these, the symptoms of cirrhosis include:

  • Loss of appetite,
  • weight loss,
  • Weakness,
  • Tiredness,
  • Nose bleeding,
  • yellow skin and eyes,
  • Network-like vein groups visible under the skin,
  • Stomach ache,
  • abdominal swelling,
  • swelling in the legs,
  • breast enlargement in men,
  • There is confusion.
