Enel, update on the purchase of own shares

Enel update on the purchase of own shares

(Finance) – Is in the announced that he has purchasedbetween 27 June and 1 July 2022, in total 480,000 treasury shares at the volume-weighted average price of € 5.3253 per share, for a countervalue equal to 2,556,125.884 euros.

The operation follows what was communicated on June 16 last regarding the start of a buy-back program ordered in implementation of the authorization granted by the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 19, 2022 and resolved to serve the long-term incentive plan. deadline for 2022.

Since the beginning of the Program, the energy group has purchased 934,500 own shares (equal to 0.009192% of the share capital), for a total value of 5,016,729.872 euros. Considering the treasury shares already in portfolio, Enel holds a total of 5,823,652 treasury shares as of July 1, equal to 0.057282% of the share capital.

In Milan, today, negative session for Is in thewhich closed trading with a loss of 3.86%.
