What happened ? The wanted suspect

What happened The wanted suspect

TARBES. Two teachers from a college in Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrénées) were killed late Monday afternoon in Pouyastruc, a town nearby. This Tuesday, July 5, 2022, the suspect is still at large. The first elements.

The essential

  • Monday July 4, 2022, two teachers in a college in Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrénées) were killed in the neighboring town of Pouyastruc. This Tuesday, the suspect is still actively sought.
  • For the time being, it is total vagueness concerning the motivations of the alleged killer. The Tarbes prosecutor’s office is beginning its investigations and has given no indication as to the possible reasons for this gesture.
  • Follow the latest information live on Linternaute.


12:11 – Where is Pouyastruc located?

But by the way, where exactly is the commune of Pouyastruc located? The village scene of a double crime on Monday evening is located northeast of Tarbes, in the Hautes-Pyrénées department. Just 10km separate the village from a few hundred inhabitants of the prefecture of the department.

12:03 – Important means triggered to find the perpetrator

After the discovery of the crime scene, the gendarmes are now looking to arrest the perpetrator. For this purpose, significant resources have been deployed since the Epervier plan was activated. A helicopter flies over a large area around Tarbes, while roadblocks are set up. In addition, three gendarmerie surveillance and intervention platoons (PSIG), from Tarbes, Lourdes and Bagnères-de-Luchon, are mobilized to get their hands on the individual in question.

11:54 – Autopsies soon to be carried out on the bodies of the victims

As after any crime, an autopsy will be conducted on the body of each victim. The public prosecutor clarified that they will be carried out “in the coming days” at the Toulouse forensic institute.

11:43 – No motive yet known for this double murder

For what reason(s) did an individual kill two people in this small village in the Hautes-Pyrénées that is Pouyastruc? This is the question on which the investigators have been looking since Monday evening. But at this stage, nothing allows to put forward a mobile more than another. “Everything leads us to think that we are facing a double homicide by firearm, without knowing the origin or the motivations of the author”, indicated during the night the prosecutor Pierre Aurignac, public prosecutor of the Hautes-Pyrénées, relayed by The Dispatch.

11:37 – “Immense sadness” from the rector of the Toulouse academy

In a press release, relayed by Actu.fr, the rector of the Toulouse academy, Mostafa Fourar, expressed his “very strong emotion and immense sadness following the deaths of two professors from the Desaix college in Tarbes.” According to the information site, he went to the establishment this morning to discuss with the other teachers, but also the students, alongside the prefect of the Hautes-Pyrénées, Rodrigue Fury.

11:27 – What do we know about the course of this double murder?

According to the elements obtained by The Dispatch and France Blue, the drama would have taken place between 6:15 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Monday. A neighbor of the killed man notices strange comings and goings of a man, presumably on a motorcycle. When the latter leaves the scene, a woman is on the ground, between life and death. At least two shots were reportedly fired. The gendarmes and emergency services are alerted, but the 30-year-old cannot be saved. The suspect fled and is still wanted.

11:17 – Who is the teacher shot dead near Tarbes?

Alongside the fifties was therefore also discovered the body of a woman. She was 32 years old, again according to the elements collected by France Blue. The local radio adds that she was a French teacher, in the same establishment as the first victim, the Desaix college. She was from Barbazan-Dessus, a town south of Tarbes.

11:14 – Who is the teacher killed in Pouyastruc, near Tarbes?

According France Blue, the man who was killed in Pouyastruc (Hautes-Pyrénées), near Tarbes, on Monday evening, is a 55-year-old teacher. He was a PE teacher at the Desaix college in Tarbes, the prefecture. It was at his home that his body was discovered, like that of a young woman.

11:10 – Two teachers killed near Tarbes

Two teachers were killed near Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrénées), Monday July 4, 2022, at the end of the day. It was in Pouyastruc, a neighboring town, that the macabre discovery was made, indicates France Blue.

Learn more

Monday July 4, 2022, two teachers, a man and a woman, were found dead at the home of the first, both shot dead, in the small town of Pouyastruc (Hautes-Pyrénées), located northeast of Tarbes. The drama would have been tied between 6:15 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. when an individual, on a motorcycle, burst in to shoot these two teachers. A crime discovered by a neighbor who quickly gave the alert, after noticing suspicious comings and goings. The suspect managed to escape. The investigation is just beginning.

The two victims discovered are two teachers from the same establishment, the Desaix college in Tarbes, the Hautes-Pyrénées prefecture: he is a 55-year-old man, who was a PE teacher – “a great guy, appreciated by all and without history “-, as well as a 32-year-old woman, a French teacher for her part, report France Blue and The Dispatch.

Who carried out these two murders? This is the question that is now on everyone’s lips in the village of Pouyastruc. While the investigators are just launching their investigations, not a single element has, at this stage, been given on the profile of the suspect. The Hautes-Pyrénées public prosecutor did not disclose any information, while the search continues. “We hope to intercept it quickly,” declared Pierre Aurignac. The only known element: the individual went to the scene of the future crime on a motorcycle and left with it.
