Lugano Conference, Ukraine reconstruction at the center

Ukraine von der Leyen Kiev marches towards a European future

(Finance) – “The Lugano conference is a fundamental step to agree on the principles of the international reconstruction effort of Ukraine. President Ignazio Cassis and I support the declaration of Lugano and we look forward to its approval “. This was stated by the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on Twitter pointing out that “Ukraine can count on our constant support, for as long as necessary”.

“The challenges are enormous but not insurmountable: Ukraine can emerge from this war with strong institutions and a greener and more resilient economy. With our support, the country can be rebuilt not only as it was but how his young people wanted him to be “, von der Leyen said stating that Ukraine will need courageous reforms, which will have to go hand in hand with investments “.

And, second Denys Shmyhal, Ukrainian Prime Minister, “for the reconstruction of Ukraine they are needed at the moment 750 billion dollars, most of these funds come from frozen Russian assets “.” We have created a digital map, updated in real time, on the destruction caused by the Russian invasion: the partners will have access and it will be used for the reconstruction of the country “, added the first. minister.

The President was also present Volodymyr Zelensky: “Russia’s war is not just a move to take our land but a challenge to the European system: it wants to prove that Europe is weak and that it cannot defend its values”. “The reconstruction of Ukraine is therefore not just a local fact but the mission of the whole democratic world”. With the resistance to Russian aggression, Ukraine has put in place “the greatest reform of the Euro-Atlantic area, we have brought Europe together and we have reinvigorated NATO, as we have not seen for years, “added Zelensky.

Pope Francis, meanwhile, hypothesizes a trip to Russia and Ukraine. “I would like to go to Ukraine, and first I wanted to go to Moscow. We exchanged messages about this because I thought that if the Russian president had given me a little window to serve the cause of peace … “he told Reuters.” And now it is possible, after returning from Canada, it is possible that he can go to Ukraine, “he added.”The first thing is to go to Russia to try to help in some way, but I would like to go to both capitals. “
