Christophe Béchu, a new Minister of Ecological Transition expected at the turn

Christophe Bechu a new Minister of Ecological Transition expected at

Among the main upheavals within the new government of Elisabeth Borne, the change in continuity within the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Beaten in the legislative elections, Amélie de Montchalin is replaced by her former Minister Delegate for Local Authorities Christophe Béchu.

It is a political choice that leads Christophe Béchu to head the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Close by Edouard Philippe, his appointment can be interpreted as a pledge given to the former Prime Minister, because on ecological and climate issues, the new minister is a perfect stranger or almost. He barely accompanied the transition to cycling in his city, Angers, when he was mayor. This is also where the national cycling plan was unveiled in September 2018.

Apart from that, it will therefore have to be judged on its actions with a first deadline by the end of the year when the climate programming law will be debated. An essential text since it will establish for the next five years the means granted to the ecological transition.

It is an understatement to say that it will be expected. During the in-between rounds of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron had reaffirmed the importance that the fight against global warming would take during his five-year term. After that by Amélie de Montchalin, the appointment once again of a novice in the field, however, sends a mixed message. Especially since in the protocol order, certainly symbolic, his ministry retrogrades from 5th to 10th place.

Towards an ecology of territories?

Despite a warm welcome, we could feel a hint of regret in the voice of Amélie de Montchalin during the transfer of power. Less than two months after her arrival, she has to give up her place. His successor arrives with a full team, three deputy ministers, two secretaries of state, and an ambitious stated objective.

We will strive daily to embody the ecology of action, concrete, assured Christophe Béchu. Our responsibility will therefore be to advance this great cause of the quinquennium “A challenge that Christophe Béchu wants to take up thanks to his long local experience, as mayor of Angers in particular. ” All expenses, all equipment, all decisions must be made both in the light of the urgency, to act, and of the need to ensure that our fellow citizens are associated with these measures. For the mayor that I am, I measure the daily difficulties of sometimes reconciling these contradictory injunctions “, he added.

Christophe Béchu is already facing criticism for his lack of expertise on the subject, but also for his societal positions, he who had campaigned against gay marriage and had AIDS prevention posters removed from his city showing homosexual couples .
