What time is it in the world? In the world it depends, but in Algeria it will soon be July 5, the anniversary of Independence. So no youyou in G Major, but still a desire for orange blossom.
Hence the idea of a cinema-oriented sofa to accommodate a Franco-Algerian director: Nabil Djedouani, still thirty years old, with a particular sign that should reassure lovers of the sepia image, since Djedouani is the creator of the YouTube channel Digital Archives of Algerian Cinema. Collecting, restoring, enhancing the rare film or the oblivion of an Algerian cinema more or less at half mast, this is one of the missions of this digital Jesus, who flirts in a thousand and one ways with the image. Three of his films are waiting on our patio: Afric hotel, Rock against Police & History of Judas.
The musical choices of Nabil Djedouani
Rachid Taha therehasmess
Icowesh Uliw