WYOMING – A newly formed community group in Plympton-Wyoming hosting its first Canada Day bash a day after the actual holiday weren’t sure how many people would come out.
They were pleasantly surprised.
“There’s a lot of people here,” Carolyn Tripp, a member of the community’s new special events committee, said during Saturday’s celebration. “First time having it so we didn’t know how many, but there was all kinds of people lining the parade route and a lot of people here.”

Saturday’s event started at 3:30 pm with a parade in Wyoming from McKay Park to the fairgrounds. At the site was a variety of interactive activities including “touch a truck.”
“Trucks from a variety of different venues and purposes,” said Tripp, who is also the town’s chief administrator. “Fire trucks to construction equipment to – everything.”

While the youngsters and their parents perused the various vehicles, a staffer from Wyoming Tree Service performed a high-wire dangle. In another area, youth could take a turn using – or being sprayed by – a fire hose. The committee also had food vendors and a beer tent on site.

The evening was capped off with a family movie – one of the Spider-Man films – instead of fireworks.
“Fireworks are very expensive,” Tripp said. “We’re hoping to have fireworks next year.”

Canada Day parties were held Friday in Sarnia and Petrolia, but the committee, understood of residents, town staff and a councillor, opted to host their 155th birthday party Saturday instead.
“It was selected by the events committee as the best day to get the most turnout for everyone to enjoy,” Tripp said. “Hopefully this will become an annual thing.”