It is always on the occasion of the Anime Expo 2022 which takes place all this weekend in Los Angeles that Bandai Namco Entertainment has multiplied the announcements. After confirming the arrival of My Hero Academia Ultra Rumble in the West, it’s the turn of Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher to confirm its arrival in our latitudes. If the series is popular in Japan, it is much less so, since it is a license specific to Japanese culture where its giant creatures clash among human constructions. But thanks to the success of films such as Pacific Rim or even Godzilla vs Kong, these kaijus are more and more famous among us. Bandai Namco Entertainment is betting on this premise to export this exclusive game to the Nintendo Switch, which will allow you to take control of monsters such as Alien Baltan, Zetton and Gomora. Obviously, each creature has its own abilities, skills and superpowers, but the game will go further since it will be possible to combine them to obtain variants. The press release also announces more than 200 types of Kaiju to discover.