Slush with watermelon, lime and mint.

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Markiz Tainton shows his trick in the video

Get the most out of your watermelon. Markiz Tainton shows how to best cut a melon into ice cream sticks that kids will love and cubes into a fresh melon slush.

– The slush gets summery flavors of lime and mint, she says.

Remember that the melon slush should be left in the freezer for a while before serving.


10 min

1 serving2 servings3 servings4 servings5 servings6 servings8 servings10 servings12 servings

  • Ingredients
  • 0.5 watermelon, in medium-sized frozen cubes
  • 1 lime, grated peel
  • 4 tablespoons lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons agave syrup, or honey
  • 2 dl carbonated water
  • mint
  • full screenMelonslush with summery flavors of lime and mint. Photo: MARKIZ TAINTON
