Europe: sexuality questions both adults and children

Europe sexuality questions both adults and children

There is a debate that has been agitating German society for several weeks. Can a soldier have a sex life like any other citizen? Or does his employer, the army, have a say? This debate has been sparked since a German army officer was reprimanded for her private life. Anastasia Biefang, an officer at the head of a 700-man battalion, was disciplined by her superiors in 2019, because of the description that appeared on her profile on this dating application. On May 25, 2022, the German Federal Administrative Court finally rejected the appeal filed by Anastasia Biefang. Since then, it has been a controversy. The young woman, the first female transgender officer in Germany, denounces an injustice. The report by Leo Bräuer-Potier.

In France, since 2001, pupils in schools, colleges and high schools are supposed to follow 3 sex education sessions each year. But, in reality, this is rarely the case, for lack of time, means, but also teacher training. The report of Lise Verbeke in Amiens, in the north of France.

It’s a small revolution that started in the Irish prison environment. In recent months, 800 cells have been equipped with fixed telephones that can be used at any time of the day and night by the prisoners. By the end of 2022, the experiment should be extended to all 12 prisons in the country. The idea is of course to empower the prisoners, to allow them to maintain the link with their loved ones, but also to limit trafficking. Laura Taouchanov, at Dublin.

If we had to sum up Italy in a few postcards, there would be a Vespa, a strong cup of coffee, an ice cream of course, but also, no doubt, laundry hanging from the windows! But this image of Epinal almost disappeared from one of the cities in the south of the country. On June 14, 2022, the town hall of Naples first decided to ban residents from drying their laundry outside their apartments before reversing its decision, following a real outcry. The explanations of Cecile Debarge.

The musical chronicle of Vincent Thevalabout Welsh singer Gwenno Sanders, with Anima.
