Inflation bonus 2022: who will receive the 100 euros?

Inflation bonus 2022 who will receive the 100 euros

PREMIUM INFLATION. A new check for 100 euros called “emergency food aid” will be issued at the start of the 2022 school year.

[Mis à jour le 1er juillet 2022 à 08h14] There will be a new bonus paid in the fall! The government was seeking to introduce a new aid system for the most disadvantaged in the face of rising consumer prices (food and energy in particular), it is now done! A brand new inflation bonus named “emergency food aid” will be distributed to 9 million of the poorest French people, from the start of the 2022 school year, in September. Its amount? 100 euros, plus 50 euros per additional dependent child. A way for the government to bail out the purses of low-income households, in particular to allow them to buy healthy food products, in these times of galloping inflation (5.8% in June over one year).

Beneficiaries of certain social benefits such as APL, AAH or RSA are concerned. It could also be distributed to young people aged 18 to 25 and to students. This new aid should be presented by decree, and not be part of the purchasing power bill. A second helper named “helps to eat better” could follow in the coming months. This device would be more targeted, and would in fact be the famous food check so desired by the executive for almost two years now, but too complex to implement. Still, the fact remains that the emergency food aid will be paid by automatic bank transfer to the beneficiaries’ bank accounts No action on their part will be necessary, on the same model as the first inflation bonus introduced in December 2021 and distributed to more of 38 million French people.

The emergency aid desired by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne aims to help “the most modest“. Beneficiaries of certain social benefits such as APL, RSA, AAH oraspa will benefit from it from the start of the 2022 school year. In total, the 9 million poorest French people will be able to take advantage of this new inflation bonus or food emergency bonus at the start of the 2022 school year.

To fight against the general increase in consumer prices, and in particular food prices, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced the creation of aid paid directly into the bank account of beneficiaries, from the start of the 2022 school year. Finally, this inflation bonus has gradually been transformed into a food voucher, to be called “emergency food bonus” and should precede the famous food voucher, which should be more targeted and distributed to it in 2023. This new inflation bonus, or bonus emergency food will therefore be distributed in September 2022 for an amount of 100 euros plus 50 euros per dependent child.

The amount of this new Borne inflation bonus could reach 100 euros plus 50 euros per dependent child. This inflation bonus will be more like emergency food aid, to allow the poorest to consume French and healthy foods.

The new aid to fight against inflation and supposed to strengthen the purchasing power of the French desired by Elisabeth Borne will be paid directly into the bank account of the beneficiaries, from the start of the 2022 school year! The 9 million French people concerned should see a bank transfer appear from September 2022. The exact date is not known, but it should happen “in September“as indicated by the government spokesperson, Olivia Grégoire during a trip near Nantes on Thursday June 29.

The recomposition of the National Assembly could slightly delay the government’s intervention concerning the final details of the inflation bonus of 100 euros paid in the fall of 2022. In particular concerning the paying bodies. For the time being, we do not know who pays the inflation bonus according to the status of the beneficiaries. Referring to the organizations paying the first inflation bonus distributed to 38 million French people at the start of the year, here is who from the Caf or Pôle Emploi, for example, will pay the new inflation bonus:

  • Coffee : recipients of social minima
  • Employment center : jobseekers
  • Officials : State
  • Retired : CNAV
  • Employees : employer
  • Independents : Urssaf
