Covid France measures: a new protocol for the summer?

Covid France measures a new protocol for the summer

COVID RULES. A 7th epidemic wave of Covid, carried by the Omicron BA4 and BA5 variants, is sweeping through France. The government met and called for more vigilance to avoid saturation of hospitals during the summer. Return of the mask, protocol today and new measures.

[Mise à jour le 1er juillet 2022 à 10h07] Since mid-June, the figures for the Covid-19 epidemic have been skyrocketing. We can easily speak of a 7th epidemic wave. In two weeks the incidence rate has almost doubled in all regions of France and has exceeded 700 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Nevertheless, the epidemic should not “don’t spoil the summer”, said Professor Jean-François Delfraissy on RTL, Thursday, June 30. But the healthcare system could be under pressure again towards the end of July. “We expect 1,500 daily hospital admissions within a week, that is to say as in March, when the supply of care is weaker”, he points out. To date, there is no justification for the implementation of coercive measures, we let Matignon know. Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, brought together the prefects and directors of the ARS on Tuesday June 28 to a health update on the COVID-19 epidemic. To limit the spread of Covid, everyone is called upon to increase their vigilance and to respect barrier gestures. If the number of cases and hospitalizations were to jump, the executive could decide to impose health restrictions again. For the over 60s and the most vulnerable, slots for the second booster dose (4th dose) are available everywhere in France. Among the restrictive measures that could also return: wearing a mask. guest on RTL, Monday, June 28the Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon has “asked the French to put the mask back on transport (…), it is almost a civic duty to protect oneself and to protect others”, without “to go as far as the obligation”. Elisabeth Borne asked the prefects and health authorities to encourage the wearing of masks in “all places of promiscuity” and “enclosed spaces”, in particular public transport. So are we going to a return of the mask obligatory ? From sanitary pass ? A 4th dose of vaccine for all? What are the Covid measures in effect for the summer 2022 ? Where else do you need wear the mask ? Present a health pass ?

What are the new Covid measures envisaged for the summer of 2022?

The Covid epidemic is currently experiencing a new wave in June 2022, marked by the spread of the contagious variant Omicron BA5. This is the 7th wave. To date, the government calls for caution and a strengthening barrier gestures and anti-Covid vaccination, but it does not impose coercive measures. “What matters to us is to ensure that we are able to intervene if necessary, with the implementation of braking measures if the situation were to change, or even degenerate post-July 31. explained Olivia Grégoire, government spokesperson in mid-June. On June 27, 2022, the Minister of Health Brigitte Bourguignon asked the French to put the mask back on transport. Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, brought together the prefects and directors of the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) on Tuesday June 28 to a health update on the COVID-19 epidemic. She called on the entire population to increase their vigilance and to respect barrier gestures. Those over 60 and the most fragile are strongly encouraged to receive their second booster dose. Indeed, both the government and scientists are pleading for a reinforcement of the vaccination of the elderly : “The vaccination remains the most useful weapon and it is addressed in particular older people, immunocompromised people. I call for vaccination which must be maintained, supported. We have to step it up, it’s the best weapon we have.” recalled Brigitte Bourguignon.

What is the protocol for Covid today in France?

To date, only the health pass remains in health establishments and the Wearing a mask is compulsory in health places (hospital, pharmacy, etc.). otherwise “we test ourselves if we have symptoms, we isolate ourselves if we are positive and we wear the mask in places where there is too much proximity or too many people” recalled the Minister of Health Brigitte Bourguignon on June 23.

Wearing a maskSanitary passCase contactsSchoolVaccination
  • the wearing a mask is recommended for everyone in transport in common.
  • Wearing a mask is only obligatory in the health places or of care (especially the hospitalsthem pharmaciesat the doctorsor even the laboratories of medical biology) in which it remains required for caregivers, patients and visitors.
  • Wearing a mask is recommended for all people at risk to develop a severe form of the disease and older people, especially in crowded places, for case contacts and symptomatic cases.
  • Wearing a mask is strongly recommended in closed places and large gatherings.
  • the health pass is still in effect in health establishments and places of care (hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, etc.).
  • The vaccine pass only recognizing vaccination against Covid was suspended on March 14, 2022.

Contact cases must always be tested but must no longer isolate themselves even if they are not vaccinated against Covid.

  • Level 1 Protocol in force.
  • End of wearing a mask in class in schools, colleges and high schools
  • The Government calls on the oldest people (60 years and over) and the most fragile to receive their second booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine as soon as possible.

What are the measures for wearing a mask?

Wearing a mask is recommended for people at risk of developing a severe form of the disease, in crowded places and for everyone on public transport.

Wearing a mask is not compulsory outdoors or indoors in France with the exception of places of health or care (in particular hospitals, pharmacies, among doctors, or even medical biology laboratories) in which it is still required for caregivers, patients and visitors. Wearing a mask is however recommended for all people at risk to develop a serious form of the disease (+65 years old, +80 years old), in particular in crowded places and for everyone on public transport, according to statements by Brigitte Bourguignon on June 27 on RTL and by Elisabeth Terminal, June 28, 2022. On June 29, 2022, the boss of the SNCF, Jean-Pierre Farandou who called on travelers to wear the mask in stations and trains. A call to “citizenship” echoing in particular the recommendations of Alain Fischer, president of the Council for the orientation of the vaccine strategy which judges this measure “reasonable (…) for fragile people and probably for the whole population”he explained on June 22 on the set of “Telematin“.

Covid contact cases should no longer isolate themselves. They must always realize a test (self-test or antigenic test or RT-PCR test) on D+2 of contact with the contaminated case. It is mandatory to perform a PCR test to confirm a positive antigen test.

What are the measures for the health pass?

the health pass (recognizing test, vaccination and recovery certificate) rest compulsory, except in an emergency, to access the hospitals, retirement homes, or even to establishments welcoming adults with disabilities with the aim of protecting those most at risk from COVID-19. It is also useful for traveling to certain countries and for returning to France. As reminded by Ministry of the Interior website, for their vaccination schedule to remain recognized as complete, persons aged eighteen or over wishing to enter the national territory must have received a dose of complementary messenger RNA vaccine no later than 9 months following the injection of the last dose. required. Unvaccinated travelers must present a negative result of a PCR test less than 72 hours or an antigen test less than 48 hours before departure (departure of the first flight in the event of a connection), or a certificate of recovery (positive result of a PCR or antigen test carried out more than eleven days and less than six months previously. This certificate is only valid for a period of six months from the date of the examination or test).

  • The vaccination pass is no longer required anywhere (leisure and cultural venues, commercial catering activities, fairs, trade shows, etc.).
  • The health pass remains in force in health establishments, retirement homes, establishments welcoming fragile or disabled people.

What are the Covid measures for travel?

Proof of a complete vaccination schedule is sufficient to arrive in France, regardless of the country of origin. As reminded by Ministry of the Interior website, for their vaccination schedule to remain recognized as complete, persons aged eighteen or over wishing to enter the national territory must have received a dose of complementary messenger RNA vaccine no later than 9 months following the injection of the last dose. required. Unvaccinated travelers must present a negative result of a PCR test less than 72 hours or an antigen test less than 48 hours before departure (departure of the first flight in the event of a connection), or a certificate of recovery (positive result of a PCR or antigen test carried out more than eleven days and less than six months previously. This certificate is only valid for a period of six months from the date of the examination or test).

What are the Covid measures for the school?

Since March 2022, the health protocol has moved to level 1 / green level for all schools and educational establishments in the national territory, indicates the Ministry of Education. This transition to level 1 involves in particular:

  • the end of the obligation to limit mixing between groups of students;
  • the end of restrictions on the practice of physical and sporting activities;
  • measures relating to hand washing, ventilation and surface disinfection are maintained.


  • March 14: end of the vaccination pass
  • March 21: end of isolation for contact cases
  • April 7: opening of the 4th dose of Covid vaccine to over 50s


Covid-19: International travel, Ministry of the Interior.

