Patent 2022: leak of subjects, tests and results

Patent 2022 leak of subjects tests and results

COLLEGE CERTIFICATE. After French and mathematics, the college students continue the written exams of the college certificate this Friday, July 1. But following a leak of subjects concerning history-geography and science subjects, the Ministry of National Education will file a complaint and use emergency subjects.

Leak of subjects: the ministry will file a complaint

This Thursday, the 856,172 candidates started the examinations for the national patent diploma (DNB) in metropolitan France and in the overseas departments and regions (DROM), with French and mathematics. They continue this Friday, July 1st with the history-geography, science and modern foreign language tests. But following a “proven” leak of history-geography and science subjects for the general series, the Ministry of National Education announced to AFP its intention to file a complaint and launch an internal administrative investigation. The topics were reportedly shared on WhatsApp. Therefore, fallback topics will be used this Friday.

What are the dates of the 2022 patent?

  • The epWritten college patent tests began this June 30 and end this Friday, July 1, 2022.
  • The replacement session will take place on Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 September.
  • The oral tests for their part began on April 15, and will end on the last day of the written tests of the exam, according to the schedule set by each establishment.

What are the times for the patent exams this Friday?

here is the 2022 patent exam calendar for middle school students mainland, Reunion and Mayotte. After the French tests (grammar and language skills, comprehension and interpretation skills, dictation as well as a writing part) followed by the mathematics test on Thursday, students continue this Friday with history-geography, science and living languages. It should be noted that the foreign language test specific to individual candidates will be held on Friday July 1, 2022 afternoon for the normal session and on Tuesday September 13, 2022 afternoon for the replacement session.

Patent datesEvents Schedule
Friday, July 1, 2022History and geography, moral and civic education9h30-11h00
Sciences (physics-chemistry and/or life and earth sciences and/or technology1:30-2:30 p.m.
foreign living language3-4:30 p.m.

The dates of the tests are different in Guadeloupe and Martinique, as well as in Guyana:

Dates of the 2022 patent tests and subjects © Ministry of National Education

Patent dictation: what did the students come across?

Here is the text of the dictation for the general series: According to Aesop, Fables, 7th-6th century BC.

“The mosquito and the lion. A mosquito approached a lion and said to him: “I am not afraid of you, and you are not more powerful than me. If you want, I will even provoke you into battle”. And, sounding its trunk, the mosquito swooped down on him, biting the hairless muzzle around the nostrils. As for the lion, he tore himself with his own claws, until he gave up the fight. The mosquito, having vanquished the lion, sounded its trumpet, intoned a song of victory, and took flight. But he got entangled in a spider’s web: while she devoured him, he lamented being killed by a common animal, a spider, he who had fought the most powerful animals.

Here is the text of the dictation for the professional series: Véronique Olmi, Number six, 2002
“I’m in the garden, with you. You’ve put on your big blue apron and your straw hat too. Anyone other than you would look ridiculous. You’re the master. It’s evening and it’s autumn. It’s sweet. You burn dead leaves. I can’t take my eyes off you. You don’t look at me. You feed the heap, thick, moving; the leaves don’t burn, they rather suffocate, the smoke is dense, sour. You have a large rake and determined gestures. You are strong, it is you who orders nature, the garden obeys you.”

French patent test: which subject?

In the first part, that evaluating grammar and comprehension, the college students were confronted with aLa Fontaine’s fable, “The lion and the gnat” (1668) accompanied by an illustration by Auguste Vimar showing a lion enraged by a tiny beast. In the second part, the choice offered was between a subject of invention – where the pupils had to imagine the way in which the midge announced its victory over the lion – and a subject of reflection, introduced by the following question: “Can literature and artistic works help us to reflect on our own behavior?

When will college students have the results of the patent?

The results of the college patent will be published on July 8, 2022. To be seen according to the different academies, where the dates of publication of the results are not necessarily the same.

AcademiesDates of patent resultsPosting hours
AmiensFriday, July 8, 2022from 18h
Aix-MarseilleMonday July 11from 14h
Clermont-FerrandFriday July 8from 15h
Orleans-ToursFriday July 8from 19h
BesanconFriday July 8from 14h
BordeauxFriday July 8from 18h
CorsicaFriday July 8from 19h
CreteilFriday July 8starting at 16h
DijonMonday July 11from 10:30 a.m.
GrenobleFriday July 8from 10 o’clock
Guadeloupepending date
Guyanapending date
MartiniqueFriday July 8from 10 o’clock
MeetingFriday July 8from 10 o’clock
LilleFriday July 8starting at 17h
LimogesTuesday July 12starting at 17h
LyonsFriday July 8starting at 17h
MayotteFriday July 8from 8am
MontpellierMonday July 11from 10 o’clock
Nancy-MetzFriday July 8from 14h
NantesFriday July 8starting at 17h
NiceMonday July 11from 14h
Normandy-Caen-RouenFriday July 8from 10 o’clock
ParisFriday July 8starting at 16h
PoitiersFriday July 8starting at 17h
ReimsFriday July 8starting at 16h
reindeerMonday July 11starting at 17h
StrasbourgFriday July 8starting at 16h
ToulouseWednesday July 13from 10 o’clock
VersaillesFriday July 8starting at 16h

What is the date of the patent replacement session?

The replacement session will take place at the start of the school year, September 12 and 13, 2022.

What do we assess during the Brevet?

First important examination of the student’s schooling, the purpose of the certificate is toevaluate middle school students on their culture, skills and knowledge acquired by middle school students before entering high school. From grammar to language skills, through interpretation and synthesis skills, college students must have at least 400 points to pass this first exam.

What is the average to be admitted to the patent?

The national patent diploma is assessed on a total of 800 points. 400 points are awarded for continuous monitoring, and 400 points in the five final tests, including a compulsory oral test. Between the two, you will therefore have to accumulate a minimum of 400 points to obtain your patent.

For the 400 points of the continuous assessment, they are distributed over the eight subjects taught in 3ème, and attributed by the teachers at the end of the year, according to the skills of the student, from this scoring grid:

  • 10 points if the candidate obtains the level “Insufficient mastery”
  • 25 points if he obtains the level “Fragile Mastery”
  • 40 points if he obtains the level “Satisfactory mastery”
  • 50 points if he obtains the level “Very good mastery”.

For the final rounds:

  • the French on 100 dots
  • Mathematics on 100 dots
  • History-Geography, moral and civic education on 50 dots
  • Sciences (average of the averages of the first two terms of the three disciplines) on 50 dots.
  • The patent oral test (100 points)

For candidates educated in private establishments outside the contract, the DNB is issued on the basis of the continuous assessment file in lieu of school report for the year 2020-2021. It is assessed out of 400 points and is awarded to students who have obtained a total of at least 200 points at the end of the five final examinations: French (100 points); mathematics (100 marks); history-geography and moral and civic education (50 points); physics-chemistry, life and earth sciences and technology on (50 points); living foreign language (100 points).

How many points to have a patent mention?

As with the baccalaureate, the student may have a mention in the patent. But how many points do you need this year to hope for a mention?

  • If you have more than 400 dots out of 800, you have the patent, without mention.
  • Mention rather well: between 480 dots and 550 points out of 800
  • Mention bien : between 560 and 630 points
  • Mention very well: if you have more than 640 points out of 800
  • For individual applicants, the mention “fairly good” is granted between 240 and 270 points, the mention “good” between 280 and 310 points and the mention “very good” from 320 points.

Depending on the grade obtained (good or very good), the student may claim merit scholarships granted by certain establishments or to examination bonuses issued by certain banks. This grant is awarded according to the parents’ reference tax income (which must not exceed a certain threshold depending on the number of dependent children), and also meets other mandatory criteria: having obtained the mention bien or très good, and commit in writing to continue his education until the baccalaureate or CAP. Future high school students will thus be able to receive between 402 and 1002 euros, depending on the six existing levels. A sum which will be paid in three instalments: at the end of December, at the end of March and at the end of June. Enough to follow the attendance of the student during the second, and possibly suspend the payments in the event of relaxation.

When is the Republican Brevet Graduation Ceremony?

A Republican Ceremony is organized to reward students who obtain their first patent diploma. This graduation ceremony makes it possible to “salute the merit of the pupil who has successfully involved himself in his schooling” underlines the Ministry of National Education. It is organized in colleges, preferably in the fortnight preceding the All Saints holidays.
