Farmacosmo, agreement with YouHealthy to enter telemedicine

Pharmacosm revenues up 20 in Q1 Off to buyback

(Finance) – Pharmacosma company listed since March 2022 on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the Health, Pharma & Beauty sector, has signed a exclusive collaboration agreement with YouHealthy, portal of the company Optima Italia, for the offer of the telemedicine service on the specialized e-commerce site Telemedicine, and more generally the offer of services on the site, represents one of the strategic objectives of Farmacosmo, already announced in the IPO phase.

The agreement is part of the plan to expand digital services e integrate the entire sales and service chain of goods and services, allowing customers and their families to benefit from an experience based on a direct and personalized approach. It also allows you to diversify revenues in its business model thanks to the inclusion of a commission component.

“We are pleased to have signed this partnership, which allows us to offer our customers, as an exclusive channel, a telemedicine service active at any time and day, to be, more and more, a global reference for everything related to self-care “, commented theAD Fabio de Concilio.

“Guided by the goal of guaranteeing a highly specialized and safe service, we constantly work for offer a virtual place where users can feel protectedfrom exhaustive product descriptions to pharmacists willing to answer any question, from navigation to payments protected by digital security protocols, to customer care that also offers after-sales assistance “, he added.
