Leonardo da Vinci: what are his greatest works?

Leonardo da Vinci what are his greatest works

Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, known as Leonardo da Vinci) born in Vinci in Tuscany on April 15, 1452 and died in Amboise in Touraine on May 2, 1519, is a famous Italian Renaissance artist. He left a large number of paintings. What are his major works?

Italian Renaissance artist, Leonardo DeVinci was born in Tuscany, April 15, 1452. The last three years of his life, he stayed at the Château du Clos Lucé, near the Château d’Amboise, and worked on many projects for the King of France, François 1er. At the same time painter, inventor, engineer, architectwriter or even anatomist, the Italian master died in France on May 2, 1519, in the arms of the king, according to the legend.

The pictorial work of Leonardo da Vinci

Unquestionably, the most famous of Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings is Mona Lisaalso known as “Portrait of Mona Lisa », an oil on wood completed around 1519. This painting, which still fascinates, is kept in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

From 1494 to 1498, the artist made The Lord’s Suppera mural in the refectory of the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milano. The Lord’s Supper represents the last meal of Jesus with his twelve apostles.

Among the other paintings signed by Leonardo DeVinciwe can cite The Lady with an Ermine (1485), The Virgin, Baby Jesus and Saint Anne (1509-1510), or even The Virgin of the Rocks (1483-1486).

To perfect his technique, Leonardo da Vinci drew many sketches, some of which have come down to us. One of the most famous is The Vitruvian Mana study of the human body made around 1490. Done in pen, ink and wash, this annotated drawing is considered one of the symbols of humanism.

A complete artist, engineer and inventor…

Leonardo da Vinci was a jack-of-all-trades artist. Apart from painting, he made sculptures, was interested in architecture,anatomy and engineering. The majority of inventions by Leonardo da Vinci were not feasible, but many plans and sketches of these projects survive today. In 1486, for example, he made sketches of a helicopter (aerial screw). In 1488, he drew up plans for a flying machine. Leonardo da Vinci also recorded his research in writing. The best known collection is the Codex Leicester, a collection of observations concerning the geologywater movement and brightness from the moon.

To know

Leonardo da Vinci is the author of a Treatise on painting (Trattato della pittura), completed by his assistant Francesco Melzi. The book served as a reference for students of the French Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in the 17th century.e century.

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