here is what could fall this Thursday!

here is what could fall this Thursday

SUBJECT MATHS 2022 CERTIFICATE. Third-grade college students begin the 2022 college patent exams with mathematics on Thursday June 30, from 2:30 p.m. The math patent is one of the most dreaded. Here are the likely topics and exercises on the program…

[Mis à jour le 29 juin 2022 à 18h47] The college patent math test is scheduled for Thursday, June 30, 2022, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. This is the second test, after French which opens the ball for this 2022 session in the morning, for some 856,000 college students who are taking the first diploma of their lives this week. If there is still time to fly over the mathematics program for third graders, the time is no longer really for revisions. But trying to spot the trends in this 2022 math certificate can still help some students fill in any holes.

The subject of the 2022 math patent is totally unknown, but some signals have been sent in recent months by the tests that have already taken place in French examination centers abroadWashington and Group 1 countries. Predictions of probable subjects are also legion on specialized sites. Finally, for these last hours devoted – perhaps – to tweak its knowledge and its methods, we can still dissect the last math subject that fell to the patent in its entirety, as well as corrected sound.

The college patent math test is one of the most important for obtaining the diploma. Scored out of 100 points, it is also, without doubt, one of the most difficult for teenagers who will join high school next year. The third year program and the achievements to be validated during the college certificate in mathematics are indeed very dense. the Ministry of Education specifies, for mathematics, that “training in reasoning and initiation to demonstration are essential objectives of cycle 4” (that of middle school). Pupils must confront “various situations (for example problems of an arithmetic or geometrical nature, but also the development of a program which must run on a computer or the practice of games for which it is necessary to develop a winning strategy, individual or collective, or maximizing one’s chances)” as well as “investigative practices (trial-error, conjecture-validation, etc.)” which “can be based as much on paper/pencil manipulations or research, as on the use of digital tools (spreadsheets, geometry software, etc.)”. For the patent, the skills to be achieved in mathematics are six in number:

  • look for
  • model
  • represent
  • reason
  • calculate
  • communicate

“An important place should be given to problem solving, whether internal to mathematics or linked to situations arising from daily life or from other disciplines”, writes the ministry, which also cites four classic themes in its program. :

  • numbers and calculations
  • organization and management of data, functions
  • sizes and measures
  • space and geometry

More prosaically, the radio RTL, in partnership with the specialized site Digischool, looked at the probable math subjects for this 2022 patent in general series. She distinguished ten points which seem essential for this 2022 patent, a list without any real surprise nevertheless: fractions, triangles, literal calculation, linear function, affine function, probabilities, trigonometry, percentages, algorithms and programming.

Please note that these predictions should not exempt you from revising your entire patent math program. However, it may be interesting to consult them to refine your revisions.

The subjects of the math patent fallen in Washington

Third-grade students residing in North America took their exams on June 1 and 2, 2022. For the general series patent math test, students had to work on a series of five exercises. The first consisted of questions on a geometric figure, with calculations of length and angles. Scored on 22 points, it presented five questions. Then, the second exercise, scored out of 15 points, consisted of a multiple-choice questionnaire, with only one correct answer each time. The third exercise, with 20 points to the key, required working on the theoretical case of the physical practice of adolescents, followed by a problem inspired by a game of chance designed by a computer program.

The fourth math exercise, scored out of 21 points and made up of two parts, consisted of a spreadsheet and the following statement: “To obtain the result of the calculation program, simply multiply the starting number by the number following integer”. The students had to deal with these two elements in a series of questions. Finally, in the fifth exercise, which was also the most important in terms of points (22 points), the college students worked on calculation programs based on two parts characterized by exercises for checking and writing functions.

► Consult the complete copy on the site of our partner Studyrama

The subjects of the fallen math patent for group 1 from abroad

The students of group 1 from abroad took their patent tests on June 14 and 15, 2022. Regarding the general series patent math test, they worked on five exercises, respectively scored on 19 points, 20 points, 21 points, 15 points and 25 points. The following instruction could be read at the top of the subject: “The evaluation takes into account the clarity and precision of the reasoning as well as, more generally, the quality of the writing. It takes into account the tests and the steps taken, even not All answers must be justified, unless otherwise stated.” Exercise 1 dealt with functions in part A and the right triangle in part B. Exercise 2 dealt in particular with average speeds and distances and series. Exercise 3 dealt with a line segment, parallel and perpendicular lines and the area of ​​a triangle.

Exercise 4 presented a parallelogram pattern with all the lengths expressed in pixels, as well as the script, partly written, which made it possible to draw this pattern. It was specified that “the sprite is at the starting point, as shown in the figure below, and that it is oriented to the right”. From these data, it was necessary in particular “to copy in the correct order, on your copy, the following instructions to be inserted in the script of the pattern allowing to draw the parallelogram”. Exercise 5 evoked the products of prime factors, common divisors, the square-based pyramid and the right square, with mentions as reminders of the volume of a ball of radius “r”, that of a pyramid and that of a right pad.

► Consult the complete copy on the site of our partner Studyrama

The subject of the math patent of the previous edition of the DNB (National Patent Diploma) has been published below by our partner Studyrama. Find on Studyrama all the subjects and corrected proofs of the patent.

At the patent, the value of each test is not calculated on the basis of a coefficient, but with a counting of points. As a reminder, you can obtain a maximum of 800 points during the patent. You need a minimum of 400 points out of 800 to pass. Then, when you collect more points, you can get mentions: you need at least 480 for the mention fairly well, at least 560 for the mention well, and 640 for the mention very well. The math test can pay out up to 100 dots, it is therefore very important.

This Thursday, June 30, students in mainland France will have two hours to prove themselves in the written math test. They will have to work on several exercises, some of which will be accompanied by tables or diagrams. They may have to complete a table or interpret a diagram. They will also work on a computer exercise. The number of exercises is usually four or five, with no time allocated to each.

The 2022 patent results fall the first week of July. If the dates of publication of the results vary according to the academies, one thing is certain: you will know your results for the math test as well as for all the other tests of the 2022 patent no later than July 8, 2022. After the results, a republican patent graduation ceremony is organized at each start of the school year for the winners in their college. The academies, in connection with the schools and the elected officials of the territory – mayors, departmental councillors, etc. – organize each year, an official presentation of the diplomas obtained the previous year.

According to the official website of National Education, this ceremony “brings together the educational community and elected officials around the students who complete their common school career”. Its usefulness is to “state the essential role of the school in the Republic and to congratulate the pupils who have obtained their first diploma”. National Education specifies that this makes it possible to erect “models of success”.
