Iren district heating bonus: the deadline for the submission of applications extended to 31 August 2022

Iren new board of directors confirms Ferretti as vice president

(Finance) – The extension to apply to receive the District Heating Bonus Iren 2022, a discount on the bill recognized by Iren for the 2021-22 thermal season.

The extension of the times for submitting applications – Iren said in a note – it was agreed with the Municipalities concerned, to allow further favorable timing for those who need more time to acquire SPID or ISEE.

To find out the municipalities concerned and the documentation to be presented, it is necessary to consult the instructions on the Iren website where there is also a dedicated area that contains all the information on how to proceed to request the benefit.

The “District Heating Bonus 2022” can be requested by all domestic customers who have a district heating contract for their home (single or condominium), active between 1 October 2021 and 31 May 2022 and with ISEE not exceeding 12 thousand euros, extendable to 20 thousand euros in the case of at least 4 dependent children.

The amount of the discount are as follows: 487 euros (equal to a saving of 536 euros with 10% VAT included) for families up to 4 members; 679 euros (equal to a saving of 747 euros VAT 10% included) for families with more than 4 members.
