KD on abortions: The fetus is an individual worthy of protection

KD on abortions The fetus is an individual worthy of

On Monday, KD’s party leader Ebba Busch announced that the party had drawn up an abortion contract, which she signed. It must guarantee that the parties who sign are behind Swedish abortion legislation. The fact that the US Supreme Court has ruled that the right to abortion should no longer be constitutionally protected has raised concerns about restrictions on the right to abortion in Sweden as well.

– With this contract, I want to calm that anxiety and create security for Sweden’s women, the KD leader said then.

In its medical-ethical program from 2009, which still applies, the party writes that it wants to strive for a society where abortion is not in demand. Abortions are considered to be “a conflict between the right to life and the situation of expectant parents in cases where they do not feel they have the opportunity to complete the pregnancy.” The party also writes that “an abortion means that a life is extinguished” and calls both the woman and the fetus “individuals worthy of protection”.

Michael Anefur, the party’s spokesperson on medical-ethical issues, says that the party aims to give the fetus rights according to what Sweden’s abortion legislation stipulates. Free abortion is valid until week 18 of the pregnancy, and with the National Board of Health and Welfare’s permission no later than week 22.

– Then the value of the fetus has taken over completely, then abortion is no longer allowed. We are behind it.

At the same time, the program states that the “ethical dilemma an abortion entails is not primarily determined by when it is performed, but whether it is performed.” However, Anefur repeats several times that the ethical dilemma applies from week 18 or, in exceptional cases, week 22.

– There are of course people who think that it is an ethical dilemma to have an abortion at all. But as a party, we have said about the ethical dilemma that from week 18 the child has full value.

KD does not operate the question about to change the law so that midwives can refuse to perform abortions. However, Ebba Busch opened in 2019 so that midwives can avoid having abortions if they want through agreements with the employer. The medical-ethics program has a similar wording.

Do you think that healthcare professionals should be able to refuse to perform a legal abortion through freedom of conscience, but that it should be settled in the workplace?

– No. We will not allow freedom of conscience.

– If it is part of the work and you do not want to do it, then you must apply for another job.

Then he still says that “what an employer and employee agree on must stand for them”.

– Legislatively, we will not say that we are introducing freedom of conscience, and say that as an individual you can demand that certain tasks I do not intend to carry out.

The medical-ethics program also states that the support talks that women should be offered before a possible abortion “should have a much clearer focus than today” The party writes that it “should carefully but clearly highlight the ethical dilemma and talk about what basic values society stands for human dignity. “

How should those conversations go, do you see in front of you?

– I will be very honest and say that I actually do not know. But it is clear that if you are pregnant and coming to maternity care for the first time, it is reasonable that you are met with a positive attitude. And if the woman says that “this does not suit me” for any reason, then you should fully support that decision. In my world, there is no way we should start persuading people to think or do something else.

– But if someone comes and says that due to very bad finances, I want to have an abortion, and that is my only reason, then maybe we as a society should be able to solve the economy.

There are also other parliamentary parties that want to work to reduce the number of abortions in Sweden – the Center Party, the Sweden Democrats and the Liberals. They raise arguments other than the rights of the fetus.

“Abortions can often be difficult for both women and men to go through. That is why it is important to strive to reduce the number of abortions, ”it says on the Center Party’s website.

Facts. This is how the parties like abortions


Is behind the current abortion legislation. Want to see more preventive work to reduce unwanted pregnancies. Wants to review national subsidy for contraceptives for young people. Pushed until 2019 the issue of lowering the abortion limit to week 12, but is now behind the current abortion legislation.


Believes that the current abortion legislation that Sweden has had since 1975 works well and does not want to make changes in it.


Wants to protect the right to abortion in the constitution. Wants to provide the opportunity for abortion at home, review whether midwives should be allowed to perform abortions and introduce a time guarantee for abortions.


Wants to protect the right to abortion in the constitution. Wants to strive to reduce the number of abortions through counseling and subsidized contraception.


Wants to protect the right to abortion in the constitution. Wants to see strengthened sex and cohabitation education in school.


Is behind Swedish abortion law. Do not want the right to abortion to shrink even if the fetus can be saved earlier than today.


Wants to protect the right to abortion in the constitution. Wants to work against unwanted pregnancies through, among other things, sex and cohabitation education at school.

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Ebba Busch has signed an abortion contract: “Want to calm the anxiety”

KD-topp provided incorrect information about their abortion view

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