What to do when you are positive for Covid?

What to do when you are positive for Covid

Is your Covid test positive? You must isolate yourself now for several days. The duration varies if you are vaccinated or unvaccinated. How many days of isolation? Do you have the right to a work stoppage? Practical guide and tips.

[Mis à jour le 28 juin 2022 à 18h08] The Covid-19 virus is so contagious that waves of positive cases follow one another. With the new wave, many people are again positive for Covid. As Dr Thierry Prazuck reminds us, “csome people do not always respond well to the vaccine and do not develop enough antibodies“. About 6 months after the injection, the number of antibodies decreases drastically. That’s why we strongly recommend that people take a booster dose.” defends the head of the infectious diseases department at the Orleans hospital. This reminder reduces the risk of Covid reinfection but it is nevertheless possible. The protocols have changed several times but one rule endures : if you have a positive Covid test, you must isolate yourself, whether you are vaccinated Where not vaccinated. How many days of isolation? Can we have a sick leave ? What to do when you are positive for Covid?

What to do if you are positive for Covid?

A Covid-positive person must isolate during :

  • 7 days if she is vaccinated (5 days if she repeats a test that is negative at the end of this period)
  • 10 days if she is not vaccinated (7 days if she repeats a test that is negative at the end of this period)
  • Covid-positive children under 12 must self-isolate for 7 days but can reduce their self-isolation to 5 days if they have a negative antigen or PCR test and have been free of Covid symptoms for 48 hours.

If symptoms persist at the end of isolation, contact your attending physician. You have to stay at least 48 hours longer in isolation. The doctor can extend your sick leave if necessary. In case of difficulty breathing, call 15 (or 114 for people who are deaf or hard of hearing). A Covid-positive person must also list your contacts on Ameli and notify them to be tested 2 days after their last contact.

What to do if you are positive for Covid and not vaccinated?

When you are positive for Covid and not vaccinated, isolation is longer : 10 days or 7 days if a negative test is repeated at the end of this period.

A person who tests positive for Covid must self-isolate, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated. According to the rules in force in 2022:

  • A person vaccinated against Covid must isolate themselves during 7 days but can reduce her isolation to 5 days if she has a negative antigen or PCR test and has been free of Covid symptoms for 48 hours.
  • A person not vaccinated against Covid must isolate themselves during 10 days but can reduce her isolation to 7 days if she has a negative antigen or PCR test and has been free of Covid symptoms for 48 hours.
  • Covid-positive children under 12 must self-isolate for 7 days but can reduce their isolation to 5 days if they have a negative antigen or PCR test and have been free of Covid symptoms for 48 hours.

What instructions at work if you are positive for Covid?

The instructions that apply to work are the same as elsewhere:

  • A vaccinated Covid-positive employee must isolate themselves for 7 days but can reduce their isolation to 5 days if they have a negative antigen or PCR test and if they have had no Covid symptoms for 48 hours.
  • A Covid-positive employee who has not been vaccinated against Covid must isolate themselves for 10 days but can reduce their isolation to 7 days if they have a negative antigen or PCR test and if they have had no Covid symptoms for 48 hours.

Can we have a work stoppage if we are positive for Covid?

Yes a Covid positive person can benefit from a work stoppage if she cannot telecommute or, if she can, but her state of health does not allow her to do so. The duration of this work stoppage depends on the duration of its isolation (10 days if you are not vaccinated or 7 days if you are vaccinated). If your state of health requires a longer work stoppage, you should consult your doctor so that he assesses the need and prescribes the extension of this work stoppage. To request a work stoppage, go to Ameli.

What is the transmission of Covid in a vaccinated person?

If we transmit the Covid to someone who has been vaccinated, it is not serious because they will not have symptoms or will develop a mild form. In contrast, if unvaccinated people find themselves in the chain of transmission, they will end up transmitting the disease to a fragile person“, believes Dr. Prazuck.

Thanks to Dr Thierry Prazuck, infectiologist and head of the infectious diseases department at Orléans Hospital. Interviewed in November 2021.
