Hair: what is keratin used for?

What is keratin used for

Often associated with hair, in particular with its health and strength, keratin is present in other areas of the human body, but also in certain animals. It can be used in nutricosmetics in the form of a food supplement. But what is its interest?

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The term keratin comes from the ancient Greek ” keratins meaning horn. It is the main constituent of the appendages, horn-based production of the human body such as hair, nails, body hair in humans, but it is also present in the outer layer of the epidermis. It may be that the body lacks keratin, taking keratin capsules can then be beneficial!

What is keratin?

Keratin is an insoluble protein produced by keratinocytes, the cells covering the upper layer of the skin, and which constitute the appendages. It makes up more than 90% of their structure. We speak of hard keratin at the level of the hairnails and hair, and soft keratin to designate that of the skin.

This protein is made up of 18 amino acids including methionine and cystine, which are very rich in sulphur. By dint of external aggressions such as pollution, the use of hair dryers, exposure to the sun, the application of nail polish, but also stress or hormonal imbalances, keratin can be depleted, where the interest to supplement.

What are the consequences of a keratin deficiency and why take a supplement?

The lack of keratin is easily identifiable. It manifests itself through the change in appearance of hair and nails. If they are split ends and brittle and their color becomes dull, it’s a safe bet that the hair has a loss of keratin. On the level of the nails, breaks, stains and streaks are the symptoms of this lack.

If the adoption of a balanced diet with the consumption of foods rich in protein, zinciron, B vitamins and antioxidants is recommended for healthy hair and nails, it is also possible to supplement your body with keratin.

Maëlys Garnier, marketing manager at the nutraceutical laboratory Dynveo explains: “ A 3 month course of pure keratin will improve the quality and growth of hair and nails. It will also strengthen the impermeability of the epidermis, maintain its hydration and create a protective barrier. And since keratin is not renewed, it is essential to take care of your hair, nails and skin. This is where the cure can be beneficial! »

How to bring keratin to the body?

In their native form, keratin molecules have a large size and are therefore poorly assimilated by the body, says Maëlys Garnier. To fully benefit from its benefits, it is better to choose a keratin hydrolyzate. These are small keratin peptides which, thanks to their small size, will be better assimilated and therefore be more effective. »

In addition to the size of the molecules, the composition will also play a major role in the effectiveness of the keratin. ” At Dynveo, we have chosen a keratin hydrolyzate from the wool of sheep originating in New Zealand because its amino acid composition is closest to the keratin present in our hair. Thanks to this high-precision selection, efficiency is guaranteed! Clinical studies show hair growth of more than 10%, an improvement in shine of 40% and an increase in volume of 95% with a 3-month cure. »

Article written in partnership with the Dynveo laboratory team.

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