It’s like reborn! Cleanses your lungs, prevents cancer

Its like reborn Cleanses your lungs prevents cancer

The healthy functioning of the lungs reduces the quality of life and causes the body’s basic need for breathing to not be taken at an adequate level. Causes such as smoking, unhealthy diet, sedentary living, and air pollution cause lung diseases such as asthma and COPD. These diseases cause shortness of breath, not breathing well, and damage to organs due to lack of oxygen. The most important point is to stay away from harmful habits in order to clean your lungs.

Known for his work in this field, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Adnan Saraçoğlu, on the other hand, states that carob cure can be beneficial in order to prevent lung diseases and protect your health. Talking about the positive effects of the cure, Saraçoğlu underlines that bad habits should be avoided and that this is the most important treatment.



  • 6 carobs
  • half liter of water


First, wash 6 carobs thoroughly with cold water. Then break the carobs and throw them into half a liter of water that you have previously boiled. Boil for another 7-8 minutes on low heat. After boiling, turn off the stove and let it cool for about 20 minutes. After cooling, remove the carob inside with the help of a ladle. Take the water in a glass bottle.


It is stated that the carob cure, which is applied by drinking 1 glass twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, should be prepared fresh every day and applied for 1 month.



  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Protects from cancer types such as lung cancer, cervical cancer
  • Prevents the development of infection
  • aids digestion
  • Balances blood sugar
  • strengthens bones
  • Provides weight loss
  • Increases sexual power
  • Increases sperm count
  • hair grows
  • expectorant
