Olympic gold medalist saw the trans decision of swimming

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During the World Cup in Budapest, Fina decided to exclude transgender people from competing against women as long as they did not make a gender correction before the age of 12.

It has caused British swimming star Tom Daley, Olympic gold medalist in Tokyo last summer, to react.

– I was furious. Everyone who is told that they can not compete and do something they love for who they are … That is not right, he said according to the BBC.

Daley has previously commented on LGBTQ issues and wants to stand up for transgender people, something he as a homosexual experiences is important.

– I feel very strongly about this, to give transgender people a chance to tell their story.

Fina’s chairman Husain Al-Musallam has previously said that they do not exclude any athlete but will create an open class where trans people can participate.

– This has not been done before so we have to show the way, I want all athletes to feel welcome, he said according to the BBC.
