Headlines: Borne stays at Matignon, Macron persists and signs

Headlines Borne stays at Matignon Macron persists and signs

The president told Agence France Presse. ” I have decided to confirm my confidence in Elisabeth Borne “. It is up to the Prime Minister to find a way to form a government in an arc going from the Communist Party to the right-wing party Les Républicains, excluding, therefore, La France insoumise and the National Rally.

But the French, indeed, are not happy with the Macron-Borne tandem. According to an Ifop poll for The Sunday newspaper61% of them are unhappy with Emmanuel Macron, and 52% with Elisabeth Borne.

The sinking press for Macron

The weekly press is shipwreck like never before for Emmanuel Macron. “ Macronie on the carpet, behind the scenes of a disaster », launches the front page of The Express. In the lepeno-melanchonist stranglehold, the French tragedy “, bids that of the weekly Point. Emanuel Macron, relative president », formulates that of The Obs. That of Marianne wonders if Macron is “ Out of state of causing trouble ? “.

Emmanuel Macron had begged French voters to ” do not add a French mess to the world mess “, remember Point. “ He will have to face both simultaneously, and he bears his share of the responsibility in this misfortune. Since losing its parliamentary majority on June 19, France has become a political risk for Europe and a major source of concern for our neighbors and our allies. », is alarmed Point.

Macron facing his destiny

This president has two obsessions, summarizes The Express : “ not be the one handing over power to a populist or a radical, like Barack Obama welcoming Donald Trump to the White House; not just a parenthesis in the history of the Fifth Republic “.

Sure of himself, Emmanuel Macron saw nothing coming. ” The belching of a Jean-Luc Mélenchon, proclaiming his imminent arrival at Matignon every day, would, for sure, be enough to remobilize the reasonable voters in a last gasp. Missed “, point The Express.

To the magazine Pointa ” respondent “of the president confirms that ever Macron” hadn’t considered this scenario. He may have fallen asleep on his laurels (…) He who wanted to put an end to demonetized parties – that he appeared in 2016 at a “friendly bowlers, without friendship and without the balls” – will remain as the one who resuscitated the combinazione of the Fourth Republic “, hammers this weekly.

Observation shared by The Obs, which takes stock. ” A united left, a tenfold extreme right, reinvigorated Republicans, a diminished majority: Emmanuel Macron finds himself besieged in the aftermath of a chaotic election. His second five-year term promises to be infinitely more difficult than expected “.

Especially since the economic context is worrying, underlines Marianne. ” While we were promised the “happy Days” after the Covid crisis, the French economy is sinking back into depression “.

In Mariannethe sociologist Jérôme Fourquet remarks: “ We turn away from the voting booth today as we turned away from the church yesterday “. And Marianne there goes its formula: The polling stations are burning, and we are looking elsewhere! These legislative elections have confirmed that voters are melting as fast as the ice floe “.

Rachel Keke, from shadow to light

The press finally greets the new entrants to the National Assembly. Among these deputies, Rachel Keke. According Paris MatchRachel Keke, a Franco-Ivorian housekeeper who led a strike against the management of the Ibis Batignolles hotel in Paris, is one of those who could play a major role in the next five years “. Rachel Keke? It’s for Paris Match,the representative of the invisible “.
