Biermer’s disease: what is it?

Biermers disease what is it

Considered today as an autoimmune disorder, Biermer’s disease, or anemia pernicious, results in atrophic gastritis, responsible for poor absorption of vitamin B12 (cobalamin). It mainly concerns older women. Her prevalence is 0.1% in the general population.

Role of vitamin B12 in the body

Vitamin B12 plays an essential role in the formation ofDNA and therefore in processes related to cell division. Additionally, a deficiency in vitamin B12 will be deleterious for rapidly renewing tissues, in particular for the hematopoietic tissue responsible for renewing Red cells. Provided by food, it is absorbed in the intestine after binding to different macromolecules whose intrinsic factor, glycoprotein secreted by the fundus of the’stomach under the action of gastrin. A vitamin B12 deficiency can go unnoticed for a long time because there are reserves in the body (mainly liver) for a duration from 3 to 5 years old.

Causes and Symptoms of Biermer’s Disease

The causes of this disease can be histological (stomach coating) but above all autoimmune by the presence of auto-antibodies against the intrinsic factor resulting in poor absorption of vitamin B12 and, in fact, a deficiency. .

The clinical manifestations of Biermer’s disease gradually set in. Macrocytic anemia (increase in the size of the Red cells) causes fatigue, shortness of breath and paleness. It is followed by symptoms digestive related toatrophy of the mucosa gastric (nausea, vomiting, gastric) then, in the absence of treatment, neurological signs (loss of memory, depressionirritability).

the diagnostic takes a long time to set up, so there are possible complications affecting the gastric mucosa which may increase the risk of cancer. Nevertheless, the treatment which is based on a lifelong supply of vitamin B12 allows patients to live normally.

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