The siblings recorded their own version of SVT Västernorrland’s news – see the film here

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Ruben and Nora, ten and six years old, live everyday in Helsingborg – but the family has a cottage up in Ångermanland, where they celebrated Midsummer.

And midsummer also became the theme of the news broadcast that the children recorded during the weekend.

It was Nora who took the initiative for the recording and of course the weekend’s snack ice, the weather, had to cover a large part of the program.

Prospective journalists?

But there was really no script.

– I came up with what I would say once I stood there, says Ruben who estimates that it took about one or two hours to record and edit the video.

Whether there are any future journalists who can be seen in the clip, however, is uncertain.

– I do not know, we did it just because it is fun, says Ruben.

In the video, you see pieces from the children’s TV programs
