Suspected perpetrator arrested: "Parent of young children"

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Zaniar Matapour42, is suspected of the mass shooting in Oslo – it is unclear how he reacts to the accusations, reports Dagbladet.

At present, the police do not want to comment on the perpetrator’s motive or whether the act was planned, but state that they are investigating several possible hypotheses. Among other things, hate crime motives and mental illness.

Matapour is already known to the Norwegian security police PST. He is a Norwegian citizen and lives in Oslo.

According to the newspaper the man is a parent of small children, but must also have a child in adulthood.

Norwegian VG writes that Matapour has previously been convicted of drug possession and aggravated assault. He is also said to have been suspected of attempted murder, but that preliminary investigation was dropped.

Two people were killed in the shooting in Oslo and ten were seriously injured in the attack, several of them with gunshot wounds, which are currently being investigated as a terrorist crime.
