Several Finnish politicians are horrified by the US abortion decision: “Absolutely unbearable backlash”

Several Finnish politicians are horrified by the US abortion decision

Several Finnish politicians have sadly received the decision of the US Supreme Court to abolish the right to abortion at the federal level. Päivi Räsänen, a Christian, is happy again.

10:54 • Updated 12:15 PM

Member of the Coalition Party Sari Multala calls for the significant curtailment of women’s rights to be sad and frightening.

Congressman Jouni Ovaska (center) again shares a link with the president of the United States Joe Biden to a speech in which Biden states, “This is a sad day for the (supreme) court and for the whole country.”

Chairman of the NCB, Member of Parliament Anders Adlercreutz for its part, states that the Supreme Court judge voted in favor of the abolition of the right to abortion Clarence Thomasin have already said that this is just the beginning.

Adlercreutz also commented that the news was sad and would lead to an increase in dangerous uncontrolled abortions.

Also the MEPs of the Greens Alviina Alametsä and Ville Niinistö were concerned about the impact of narrowing the right to abortion on the health of millions of people.

Shortly after the Supreme Court ruling, the state of Missouri announced the introduction of a very strict abortion law. Ville Niinistö commented on the matter, calling the decision “intolerable retaliation for women’s rights”.

Päivi Räsänen rejoices at the decision

The opposite view of the Supreme Court’s decision is represented by the Christian MP and Chairman of the Parliamentary Group Päivi Räsänen (Vol.), who considers this to be good news for the rights of the child.

Räsänen also hopes that as a result of the decision, abortion laws will be changed in other parts of the world.

The story was added on June 25, 2022 at 12:15 pm: Added a comment from Päivi Räsänen.
