Gaming.gen.TR’s new store was robbed, the damage is 3 million TL

GaminggenTRs new store was robbed the damage is 3 million

The new store of Gaming.gen.TR, which has become a well-established computer and component brand, was robbed by 5 people. Get well soon…

Gaming.gen.TR In a statement made by the company, it was stated that 5 people, whose identity has not yet been determined, entered the store at night and stole 3 million TL worth of computers and components within 3 minutes.

Gaming.gen.TR lost 3 million TL in 3 minutes

The identity of the persons caught on the security cameras is not yet known. The robbers, especially targeting video cards and laptops waiting on display, stole 3 million TL worth of computers and components in just 3 minutes. The robbers, who also damaged the glass shelves in the store with crowbars, left DNA traces behind. Efforts to detect the thieves are still ongoing.

Gaming.gen.TR has released the following statement on the subject:

“Dear Players,

As you know, we opened our store in March with the great interest and participation of you and influencers. On June 12, 3 million TL worth of player hardware and equipment was stolen by 5 unidentified people in our store, which has been designed entirely focused on your experience and pleasure and has been in service ever since.

Despite this unfortunate event, we made our store ready for you within 1 day, as it was on the first day. We continue our service with the same quality as always.”

We convey our best wishes to Gaming.Gen.TR, which has become an important brand in the field of computers and components in Turkey, and hope that the criminals are caught and punished as soon as possible. We hope that such theft will not occur in the future.
