How should cancer patients be fed? What should you pay attention to?

How should cancer patients be fed What should you pay

There are things that cancer patients can do to protect themselves from the harmful effects of the disease and to fight the disease better. When the nutritional recommendations for these patients are applied correctly, both the immune system is strengthened and when better results are applied, both the immune system is strengthened and it becomes possible to get better results from the treatment.


General Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan Karatepe gave information about the subject.

  • Do not limit fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil.
  • Meat and dairy products or hydrogenated fats should be limited to at least 10 percent of total energy intake from saturated fats.
  • Include plant-based foods such as grains, beans, starchy root vegetables, vegetables and fruits in your meals.
  • Consume 2 servings of fish, lean meat and chicken daily for your protein needs.
  • Remember that antioxidants found in whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables are protective.
  • Consume such foods frequently, as dark-colored items are rich sources of antioxidants.
  • Remember that weight control with moderate amounts of food is the basic rule of healthy eating.
  • Eat at least 5 servings of seasonal fruits and vegetables every day. (Recommended 8-10 servings.)
  • If you are exercising, eat eggs and salads or egg whites at mealtimes, more fish and poultry meat and products to preserve your muscle mass.
  • Stay away from undercooked beans or members of the cabbage family that produce excessive amounts of gas, and use digestive enzymes to reduce your gas problem.
  • Do not consume very spicy food.



Thanks to the immune system, cancer and many serious diseases are protected.

Here are suggestions to strengthen the immune system:

A healthy diet is essential for a strong immune system: Consume natural foods prepared in healthy conditions in appropriate amounts and create a protective shield effect for your body.

Raw fruits and vegetables ward off disease: Remember that vegetables and fruits help strengthen the immune system through the natural vitamins and other antioxidants they contain.

Get enough protein throughout the day: Consume animal and vegetable proteins in a balanced way.

Take advantage of the protective effect of probiotics: Do not forget that foods such as yogurt and kefir play an important role in the healthy functioning of the immune system elements in the gastrointestinal tract.

Water is the source of life: Remember that if the water is not consumed enough during the day due to the salt and minerals it contains, the immune system will be adversely affected. Drink freshly squeezed juice instead of ready-made drinks.


Do not neglect the power of tea: Consume green tea as it contains plenty of antioxidants called ‘catechins’ and the ‘polyphenols’ in tea help fight oxidant substances that can cause many diseases.

  • Get enough sleep.
  • Move regularly.
  • Be positive.
  • Do not be in smoking environments.

Maintain your ideal weight: Rapid weight loss weakens the immune system. Stay away from unconscious and rapid weight loss diets.
