He couldn’t remember why he was speeding. He changed lanes a lot at a higher speed than allowed. His car ambulance was heavy, but not a very large truck. He hadn’t been in a hurry, but had simply been driving with the traffic, he said. With the evening rush approaching, there was a good chance that his working day was not yet over. “Had I seen the braking cars and the matrix signs, it would have been a suicide attempt to keep going fast,” he noted. In court, he and his lawyer viewed the dashcam images of the collision for the first time. He was clearly having a hard time with that. De Nieuwegeiner suffered a heart contusion and eight broken ribs in the accident and is still not fully recovered. He resigned from the salvage company because he no longer dares to do that job.
OM demands community service for man who drove into traffic jam A2 with a recovery vehicle