Working in sustainable development: what professions and what training to achieve this?

Working in sustainable development what professions and what training to

Combining professional career and climate commitment is not inseparable. On the contrary ! With climate change making itself more and more felt, the speeches and alarm bells of scientists, a generalized awareness… all these ingredients have had the effect of “boosting” professional initiatives to preserve the environment and biodiversity.

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What is sustainable development and is this concept applicable? François Moisan, executive director of strategy and research at Ademe (Agency for the environment and energy management), knows these questions well and answers the microphone of Futura-Sciences.

Sustainable development enjoys a growing appeal. Many training centers have also adapted their program to implement environmental issues and train those who wish to enhance their professional project while actively working for tomorrow.

What is meant by “sustainable development”?

Even if it is at the heart of militant discourse and of the scientific community, sustainable development is not always easy to define. In a nutshell, these are the solutions that can be put in place to enable society to improve or preserve the environment, natural resources or even to limit our impact on global warming.

Several reasons can lead young people or people in professional retraining to move towards these new and promising professions:

  • a deep attachment to the ecological issues of the decade and the desire to actively participate in change;
  • the contributions are multiple and the possibilities almost endless: there are a lot of things to do and imagine to achieve the objectives of neutrality;
  • it is a booming field where many positions are looking for takers and where recruitment is open.

Already in 2021, 17% of hiring intentions on the labor market were linked to the green and sustainable economy, as reported by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition in a statement published in March 2022. However, it would seem that the construction sector finds it difficult to recruit, in particular because of the mismatch of skills which must be more specific… More generally, building undergoes a slower ecological transition than other areas although it alone represents 44% of the energy consumed on French territory.

What are the green jobs?

The sustainable development sector is very vast and the professions or levels of qualification are just as varied. Within these areas of activity, a tree structure of professions and expertise makes it possible to imagine eco-responsible initiatives for better protection of the Planet.

  • Pollution and waste recovery: biochemist (Bac +5), air analyst engineer (Bac +5 minimum), pollution control technician (from CAP to Bac +3);
  • Water management: wastewater treatment plant agent (category C competition), oceanologist (engineering degree), environmental project manager in a company;
  • Fair trade: sustainable development consultant to industries, product manager, buyer and trader, ethical marketing;
  • Renewable energies: engineer or project manager, thermal technician (from BTS to Bac +3), flow economist (from Bac +2 to engineering degree).

These are just a few examples. However, it is important to follow a sustainable development training to get an overview of the entire ecosystem, understand social issues and better understand the strategic role of digital. Eventually, and depending on the specialty chosen, you may be required to work with individuals, to raise awareness in companies or to be part of an institution that works for the environment.

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