the main opposition party, obtains authorization for a parliamentary group

the main opposition party obtains authorization for a parliamentary group

In Burundi, the main opposition party, the National Congress for Freedom, the CNL led by Agathon Rwasa, obtained authorization yesterday evening to officially set up a parliamentary group. A step forward after two months of arm wrestling with the President of the National Assembly, often accused of leading the lower house of the Burundian Parliament.

In April, the CNL was ordered to formalize the existence of its group led by its historical leader. But his response was met with a ” Nope Categorically from the President of the National Assembly, until this opposition party decided to publicly engage in arm wrestling with him two days ago, deciding to leave a plenary session on Tuesday.

Agathon Rwasa and his party the CNL do not admit defeat after the ” Nope of the President of the National Assembly. They will insist by denouncing a “ severe “violation of the constitution of Burundi and the internal regulations, which authorize the establishment of such a group from the moment it is, ” multi-ethnic and brings together at least 5 deputies “, without setting any deadlines. But they are 32 at the time.

Our stunt paid off »

Correspondence, requests for meetings, dispatch of emissaries… All the attempts by the CNL party to convince the “ Right Honorable President of the National Assembly “, Gélase-Daniel Ndabirare, reputed to be at the head of the hawks of Burundian power, ” run into a wall “Explains a senior official of the main opposition party.

Until two days ago, when the thirty or so CNL deputies decided to strike a blow, taking “the national and international community to witness”. They will therefore boycott the most important plenary session of the year, devoted to the adoption of the general state budget for the next fiscal year.

The press seized on the affair, it was amazement in the country because ” this refusal makes a mess. Then things will then go very quickly. Less than 24 hours later, the President of the National Assembly resolved to recognize, in a letter addressed to the thirty or so opposition deputies, their parliamentary group. ” Our stunt paid off “, rejoiced the same framework of the party of Agathon Rwasa.

►Also read: Agathon Rwasa: “Dialogue with the EU risks supporting a regime that twists the necks of its citizens”
