Like a holiday feeling for young Ukrainian disabled swimmers

Like a holiday feeling for young Ukrainian disabled swimmers

They are between 12 and 17 years old. After two months devoted to sports training in the Paris region, young Ukrainian swimmers with disabilities, accompanied by the Paul Guinot Association, were offered a breather in the highly renowned Center for Re-education and Functional Rehabilitation of Kerpape, in Brittany. Meet.

Blond as wheat, feet in the water, André erects a small sand dam to stop the wavelets that come to die on the beach of Anse du Stole, this beach of Morbihan. This 12-year-old boy discovered it a few days earlier when he arrived in Kerpape with young swimmers from the Invasport club in kyiv, including his friend Dasha: ” We were very touched by the welcome on our arrival. A very simple welcome, but with the Ukrainian flag. There were even Ukrainians living in Brittany “, describes André

And to get this Breton stay off to a good start, everyone got together in the water for an introduction to surfing adapted to people with disabilities. Even Oleksei, despite the quadriplegia which forces him to move around in a wheelchair:

Surfing was a big surprise. In a few minutes, they put us in wetsuits and lowered me into the water with a special chair. It wasn’t easy for me, but I took the opportunity to swim. It was my first time swimming in the ocean. A great feeling. I’ll never forget…

“I know how to surf now and I would like to do it again…”

Neither did André, who crossed his first wave with the help of members of theVagdespoir association : “ Thanks to them, I managed to hold on to the board and ride the wave. I am very proud to have succeeded. I know how to surf now and I would like to do it again “, he hopes.

Like an air of vacation for these young people who had to leave their country at war, leaving their loved ones there, even if some mothers made the trip: “ Of course, it’s great here, but we can’t stop thinking about our country, our family… I’m lucky to have my mom with me, but my dad… He’s engaged in the army and I think about him all the time says Andrew.

Shine one day at the Paralympic Games

Oleksei does not forget that they are top swimmers, cherishing the hope of one day shining at the Paralympic Games, like several former students of their coach Yana Sytnikova:

Before coming to Kerpape, we had the chance to swim in a great pool in Massy. We have regained our previous level. We even made progress. Many broke their records. I hope we will get back to training as soon as possible..

But not too fast all the same, confides Anton, who dreams of extending his stay in France beyond the three months initially planned, while the war is settling in for a long time in Ukraine: “ It’s good to be together and to discover France adds Anton. “ It was not planned. I would like to see the castles of the Loire again and stay longer by the sea to enjoy them… It is not yet time to go home. »

For further :

Contact of the Paul Guinot Association

Paul Guinot Association website
