(Finance) – It leaves tomorrow, Thursday 23 June, the second phase of the placement of the new BTP Italia, dedicated to institutional investors. It was announced on Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), with a note, recalling that the offers are scheduled in the window from 10 to 12.
The new BTP Italia, the security indexed to Italian inflation (FOI index, without tobacco – Consumer price index for blue-collar and white-collar families, net of tobaccos), has enjoyment on 28 June 2022 and expires on 28 June 2030.
Before the opening of the placement aimed at institutional institutions, the Treasury will set and communicate the definitive annual (real) coupon rate, which cannot in any case be lower than the minimum guaranteed annual (real) coupon rate, equal to 1.60%, already announced on Friday. June 17.
And of over 7.2 billion euro was raised by the new BTP Italia among retail investors. The anti-inflation title aimed at savers, on the third and final day of placement before the phase aimed at institutional investors, it totaled subscriptions for 1.396 billion, which are added to the first two days.