Seborrheic keratosis: what is it?

Seborrheic keratosis what is it

Seborrheic keratosis is a tumor benign skin very common in the elderly. warty in shape and color brown, it has a regular outline and is not contagious.

Causes of Seborrheic Keratosis

Lesion measuring from a few millimeters to a few centimeters, seborrheic keratosis is of unknown cause. Very common in the general population, it originates in the‘epidermis and is located on the face, scalp or thorax. It is the result of a proliferation of keratinocytes immature and takes on the appearance of brown lesions, with rough relief and a verrucous appearance. The molecular biology shows mutations genetic the level of growth factor of the fibroblasts (present in the dermis and producer of collagen) or overexpression of endothelin (peptide vasoconstrictor present in the vascular epithelium). Although sometimes unsightly, its occurrence has no inconvenience and no risk of cancerous degeneration. There is no actual treatment, it can be treated by cryotherapy (nitrogen liquid) to a dermatologist if it causes discomfort.

In people with dark skin, it can develop as many small lesions on the cheekbones. We then speak of dermatosis papulosa nigra.

Seborrheic keratosis: warning sign of adenocarcinoma

Although it does not present any cancerous character, the sudden multiplication and in great number of this type of lesions can be a sign of underlying tumor. Called the Leser-Trélat sign, these manifestations, considered as syndrome paraneoplastic, may precede the diagnostic of one adenocarcinoma digestive or pulmonary.

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