Nusco invests 700 thousand euros for the installation of photovoltaic systems

Nusco revenues jump to 74 million euros in the first

(Finance) – Nuscoa company listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market and active in the fixtures sector, ha reached an agreement with GECO RENEW GROUP Srl – Energy Service Company (ESCo) for the design, supply and installation of two photovoltaic systems, in order to obtain energy from renewable sources to manage and make energy consumption in the company production cycle more efficient. The deal, so the company has invested around 700 thousand eurosprovides for the supply by GECO RENEW GROUP Srl of a 200 kWp peak power plant and a 150 kWp peak power plant for the benefit of Nusco.

“The reduction of environmental impact, energy efficiency and the search for alternative energy sources to power its factories, represent for Nusco the pillars of sustainable business development – commented theCEO Luigi Nusco – The agreement with GECO RENEW GROUP represents a important stage which will allow us to optimize and make production processes more effective and efficient, while reducing our environmental impact “.
