The Fitness Snack, the new sports method for people in a hurry

The Fitness Snack the new sports method for people in

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    Don’t always have time for a long workout? The Fitness Snack is made for you! The idea? Distribute the 30 minutes of physical activity recommended by the WHO throughout the day in several sports sessions of a few minutes.

    Instead of devoting thirty minutes at a time to physical activity, the Fitness Snack suggests breaking these minutes up into short sessions of five to ten minutes over an entire day. The Fitness Snack corresponds to “short bursts of activity spread throughout the day, as opposed to one long workout“, explains Cindy Lin, expert in sports medicine at Harvard on the site of CNBC.

    She advises taking several breaks throughout the day and devoting them to physical activity. No need to break out the yoga mat or the sneakers. “Any activity that involves ‘breathing harder than usual’ is considered moderate-intensity activity”, explains the specialist. A brisk 10-minute walk, a household activity, flexibility exercises or muscle strengthening fall within this framework.

    The objective of this activity is not necessarily to lose weight or to refine the silhouette. The Fitness Snack is above all a matter of health. The purpose of this method is mainly to fight against a sedentary lifestyle. It also improves heart health, energy levels and reduces stress.
