Daniel Ståhl’s powerful monster message with weeks left until the World Cup – hit with the second longest throw in his career

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Only weeks left until the World Cup.
Then Daniel Ståhl shows super form.
“Ståhlmannen” hit with his second longest throw in his career during the team-SM.

Daniel Ståhl is the discus’ big star, but this season he has been in a bit of a slump. Since the Olympic gold last summer, he has even lost his place as world number one, and until last week he had not thrown more than 70 meters once.

Second longest in his career

But during a competition in Turku, he struck with 70.62 – his longest throw of the season – and during the team-SM in Uppsalla on Tuesday, he struck with another monster throw. Daniel Ståhl threw a total of 71.47 – which is not only a new world year best.

220612 Daniel Ståhl, discus, cheers during the athletics competition Folksam Grand Prix in Sollentuna on June 12, 2022 in Stockholm. Photo: Jesper Zerman / BILDBYRÅN

It is also Ståhl’s second longest throw in his career, and afterwards he rushed away with joy.

– We were going to take this as a training session, put the technique well, push a little harder and then I did it and then this came, it’s great fun, he says to SVT.

Weeks left until the World Cup

Daniel Ståhl has once before thrown longer, and even it was in Sweden, when he hit with 71.86 during a competition in Jönköping. So this was not far from the Swedish record.

– It’s fun, it’s always fun to throw over 71 meters, says Ståhl.

220612 Daniel Ståhl, Spårvägens FK, cheers during the athletics competition Folksam Grand Prix in Sollentuna on 12 June 2022 in Stockholm. Photo: Jesper Zerman / BILDBYRÅN

Unsurprisingly, Daniel Ståhl won the competition completely unthreatened, as he also had a throw close to 70 meters in the fourth round of the competition. The World Athletics Championships starts on July 15, and there is no doubt that he has found the form just right for it.

– I need to compete in shape and these results will come eventually, he says.

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