a triumph and revenge for the head of the RN

a triumph and revenge for the head of the RN

SPEECH LE PEN. Grandissime favorite in her constituency of Pas-de-Calais where she came clearly in the lead, Marine Le Pen hoped to surf on this expected personal result to push other RN candidates behind her. What was his reaction after the historic score of the RN in these legislative elections?

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[Mis à jour le 19 juin 2022 à 20h47] It was from Hénin-Beaumont, where she had taken over the bowling alley for her election night, that Marine Le Pen spoke this Sunday, June 19 in the evening after the second round of the legislative elections. The leader of the National Rally had reason to rejoice: given a clear winner in her constituency of Pas-de-Calais, the former candidate for the presidential election saw many RN candidates be elected according to the first projections broadcast on 20 hours.

What did Marine Le Pen say in her speech on June 19 after the second round of the legislative elections?

“The people have decided to send a very powerful parliamentary group of RN deputies to the Assembly, which thus becomes a little more national. This group will be by far the largest in the history of our political family”, began by explaining Marine Le Pen. “We have achieved the three objectives that we had set ourselves: to make Emmanuel Macron a minority president, to pursue the essential political recomposition and to constitute a decisive opposition group against the deconstructors from above, the macronists, and the deconstructors of ‘at the bottom, this far left anti-republican “, she then judged. “With these dozens and dozens of deputies of heart and conviction of the RN who are first and foremost citizens concerned about the public good, you will have the security of seeing your ideas defended! The new faces that you will discover are the avant- custody of the new political elite who will take power when the Macron adventure comes to an end.”

Marine Le Pen’s June 12 speech

Arrived well ahead of the first round of the legislative elections in her constituency of Pas-de-Calais with more than 50% of the vote but not having gathered at least 25% of the votes of registered voters, Marine Le Pen could not be elected to the National Assembly on the first try. She had all the same pointed out her score and her thirty points lead over the candidate of Nupes. More than her score, the leader of the RN had insisted on the “progress of almost 7 points compared to 2017” of the national result of the far right “obtained despite the abstention”. The opportunity to present the party to the flame as the only one benefiting from a real dynamic and above all as the “first party in France”.

On the strength of these results, Marine Le Pen called on voters “to confirm and amplify” their vote for the RN in the second round and abstainers to go to the polls. Pleading for the vote for the far right, the candidate had also campaigned to block Nupes and the presidential majority, going so far as to call for “not to choose” in the event of a duel between Nupes and Together! According to Marine Le Pen, it is “important not to let Emmanuel Macron have an absolute majority which he will abuse”.

Marine Le Pen’s campaign speeches

During the legislative campaign, Marine Le Pen held a single meeting, on June 5 in Hénin-Beaumont, land conquered by the National Rally. This speech arrived late but took up all the characteristics of the lightning campaign of the leader of the RN: a massive call for the mobilization of voters, the insistence on the capacity and the need to send a strong far-right parliamentary group in the National Assembly and of course the defense of the ideas of the RN in parallel with the criticism of the Nupes program and the policy of the presidential majority. However, these are statements made the following days during trips to Loiret, Perpignan and Hérault between June 8 and 10 alongside the RN candidates who marked Marine Le Pen’s campaign. Among her salient spikes sent to opponents, the MP for Pas-de-Calais compared Nupes to a “political ZAD” and denounced the “masquerades” of the executive promising the payment of inflation aid as of this summer among others.

During the in-between rounds the strategy was the same: defend the ability of the RN to elect a hundred deputies in the hemicycle, and establish itself as the first opposition force to Emmanuel Macron. All this while punctuating the attack campaign against Nupes and Jean-Luc Mélenchon who “will never be Prime Minister” repeated Marine Le Pen on June 14 on France 2 but also Emmanuel Macron pointing to a ” feverishness” but also the “inappropriate behavior” of the Head of State who traveled to Romania and Moldova in the middle of the campaign or even by pressing the delicate case of Minister Damien Abad, targeted by a new complaint for sexual assault during the in-between rounds.
