Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1212 of June 21, 2022

Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1212 of June

In the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us 1212 broadcast on Tuesday June 21, 2022, Chloé appears with a knife on the evening images of the murder. Summary and spoilers.

In the episode of DNA broadcast on Tuesday June 21, 2022, suspected of having murdered Stanislas Beaumont, Audrey is in police custody. She proclaims her innocence by telling her version of the facts: she rang Raphaëlle’s house because she wanted to talk to her to open her eyes to her toxic relationship with Stanislas. But it was Chloé who opened the door and advised her to go home as soon as possible. This version corroborates with that of Chloé and Raphaëlle. During this time, Roxane tries to recover images filmed at Raphaëlle’s house and, thanks to the help of Damien, sidelined because of his proximity to the accused, she succeeds. We see Chloe holding a long kitchen knife in her hand. Proof of his guilt?

At the same time, at La Paillote, we discuss the menus very seriously. In this episode of DNA, while Sylvain only wants to bet on hot dogs and paninis, Charlie plans instead to make mixed salads with ingredients such as goji berries, pomegranates and kale. Christelle tries to arbitrate without success but does the accounts at the end of the day: Sylvain has sold 157 hot dogs against 31 salads for Charlie. The youngster does not intend to let herself be defeated, convinced that she will be more efficient the next day.

Still in Sète, Manon returns from a jog but no longer mentions the possibility of a career in the police, which fills Aurore with happiness. In episode 1212 of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast on June 21 on TF1, Manon, in reality, had a real revelation for this job and made a big decision: she wants to try the peacekeeper competition. She gets encouragement from all her colleagues, who even lend her books. Except from her mother, annoyed by her daughter’s decision. To do well, Manon asks Nordine to help her revise. Blue accepts!
