what result for Borne, Montchalin and the 13 other ministers?

what result for Borne Montchalin and the 13 other ministers

LEGISLATIVE MINISTERS. The result of the 15 minister candidates in the legislative elections was scrutinized in the second round. 12 of them won, but three others were defeated and must leave the government. State of play.

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[Mis à jour le 20 juin 2022 à 10h10] They were 15 ministers to play their place in the government, including the head of the executive, Elisabeth Borne. The verdict fell yesterday evening for the second round of the legislative elections and three members of the government were defeated and must, in accordance with the promises made by the executive, leave their ministerial function. Hard blow for the presidential majority which loses the number five of the government in the person of Amélie de Montchalin, Minister for the Ecological Transition, but also the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State in charge of the Sea.

The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, emerged victorious from the ballot by a short head (52.46%). Other ministers also slipped through the cracks, such as Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Public Service, and Clément Beaune, Minister for European Affairs, winners in Paris despite an unfavorable ballot after the first round. For the ten remaining ministers, the election went off without a hitch, enough to reassure La République en Marche being undermined in the legislative results. These results make a new reshuffle inevitable, if only to replace the ministers beaten in the legislative elections. The government has not yet communicated a date for the appointment of the next ministers. But before announcing the reshuffle, Elisabeth Borne must resign as a courtesy, as is the republican tradition. Except surprise, the tenant of Matignon should be re-elected in his functions.

Elisabeth Borne, first candidacy for the legislative elections and first victory!

Appointed Prime Minister in May without ever having held a local mandate, Elisabeth Borne submitted her name to the vote of the voters for the first time. Bet won according to the first results of the 2nd round with 53% of the votes against 47% for Noé Gauchard (NUPES) according to an Ipsos Sopra Steria poll for France Television. Naturally involved in the Ensemble (ENS) coalition, Elisabeth Borne aspired to represent the 6e constituency of Calvados, in which she has some family ties. Arrival in the lead at 1er round (34.32%), she challenged a young candidate from Nupes, Noé Gauchard, 22, who finished second (24.53%). Victory in the end for the Prime Minister, who won in the 6th constituency of Calvados with 52.46% of the vote.

Gérald Darmanin, confirmed in his northern constituency and re-elected

The Minister of the Interior, reappointed to the new government, aspired to be re-elected in the 10e constituency in the North, in which he had already won in 2012, then with the label of the UMP. Won since 2016 by his deputy Vincent Ledoux, the constituency seemed to reach out to the “first cop in France”, who emerged victorious last Sunday (39.08%) ahead of his opponent Nupes, Leslie Mortreux (23.08%). Mission accomplished according to the complete results of the Ministry of the Interior: Gérald Darmanin won with 57.52% of the vote against 42.48% for his opponent Nupes Leslie Mortreux in the 10th district of the North.

Amélie de Montchalin, a defeat and an exit from the government

Fifth in the protocol order of government, Amélie de Montchalin was the main minister in difficulty. 2e at the end of 1er turn in the 6e constituency of Essonne, of which she is the outgoing deputy, the Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion bowed to Jérôme Guedj. The minister collected 46.64% of the vote, while her opponent had 53.36%. She must therefore leave the government.

Brigitte Bourguignon, defeat despite the Republican front

Brigitte Bourguignon was one of the two ministers in a duel against a candidate from the National Rally. But the Minister of Health failed to win this Sunday, June 19, 2022: she was beaten just 56 votes apart in the 6th constituency of Pas-de-Calais. His opponent, Christine Engrand (RN), won with 50.06% of the vote. Brigitte Bourguignon will therefore have to present her resignation from the government.

Olivier Dussopt, a new victory in Ardèche

Elected deputy of the 2e constituency of Ardèche for 15 years, Olivier Dussopt should return to the deputation and thus retain his post as Minister of Labor. After winning 30.04% of the vote on 1er round, he will challenge Christophe Goulouzelle (Nupes), whom he left behind last Sunday (23.58%). In the second round, Olivier Dussopt would have won with 58.86% of the vote, against 41.14% for his opponent from Nupes, according to BFM TV which quotes the Ministry of the Interior.

Damien Abad, re-elected despite the business

These are things that Emmanuel Macron would have done well to start his second term. Accused of sexual assault and rape, Damien Abad was nevertheless kept in his post as Minister of Solidarity and remained a candidate in the legislative elections. Despite everything, the one who is a member of the 5e constituency of Ain since 2012 does not seem to suffer from the charges. In the lead in the first round with 33.38% of the vote on June 12, far ahead of Florence Pisani (Nupes, 23.54%) whom he challenged this Sunday, Damien Abad seems on track to be re-elected since he obtains 57, 86% of the vote according to the complete figures of the Ministry of the Interior.

Marc Fesneau, a smooth election

He literally crossed the street when the government changed. Having moved from Relations with Parliament to Agriculture, the minister, MP for the 1st constituency of Loir-et-Cher, also faced a candidate from Nupes, Reda Belkadi. The minister would win with 56.47% of the vote, according to the final results communicated by the Ministry of the Interior.

Stanislas Guerini, no quack for Macron’s lieutenant

Deputy leaving the 3e constituency of Paris (17e and 18e districts), Stanislas Guerini could be beaten by Nupes. Arrived behind the candidate of the union of the left at 1er turn (38.66% against 32.50%), the general delegate of La République en Marche could have failed to keep his seat. In the end, nothing came of it: according to the partial figures of the Ministry of the Interior (out of 97% of the ballots counted), the Minister of Function and Public Transformation would emerge victorious from the legislative elections with 51.03% of the votes cast. in his favour. He is thus ahead of Léa Balage El Mariky (48.95% of the vote), candidate for Nupes.

Yaël Braun-Pivet, another obvious victory

After having achieved a tour de force in 2017 by dislodging the deputy in place for 24 years, Yaël Braun-Pivet intended to re-enlist. Candidate in the 5e constituency of Yvelines, the overseas minister won with 60.9% of the vote against Sophie Thevenet (39.1%), her opponent from Nupes, according to the partial results of the Ministry of the Interior out of 75 % of ballots counted. All the more so in a territory that has historically been on the right and macronist in recent years.

Olivier Véran re-elected and confirms his lead

The former Minister of Health was re-elected MP for the 1st constituency of Isère. Came in first on the evening of the 1er turn with 40.5% of the votes cast, the one who is now in charge of Relations with Parliament only had a little more than three points ahead of his rival invested by Nupes. However, he was re-elected with 55.53% of the vote, according to the final results of the Interior Ministry. His opponent, Robin Salomé, had 44.47% of the votes in his favour.

Gabriel Attal, a formality of 2e round

It is a highway that opens in front of Gabriel Attal. Credited with 48.06% of the votes on 1er turn, the now Minister of Public Accounts should not have any unpleasant surprises in the 10e district of Hauts-de-Seine, especially since his opponent, Cécile Soubelet (Nupes), is nearly 18 points behind (30.75%). According to the partial results communicated by the Ministry of the Interior, taking into account 92% of registered voters, Gabriel Attal obtains 59.83% of the votes at the end of the second round of legislative elections and wins against the candidate of Nupes. Cécile Soubelet would have had 40.17% of votes in her favour.

Franck Riester, the four in a row

Like Brigitte Bourguignon, Franck Riester faced a candidate from the National Rally at 2e round. No wonder in the 5e constituency of Seine-et-Marne, territory which had placed Marine Le Pen in the lead at 1er round of the presidential election and which granted him 48% of the vote on 2e. After winning 29.27% ​​of the vote last Sunday, the Minister of Foreign Trade has returned to a constituency in which he has been elected continuously since 2007. At the end of the second round of legislative elections, he would win 53.21 % voices.

Clément Beaune, no failure for his first

Candidate for an election for the first time, Clément Beaune was worried about the legislative ballot. Invested in the 7e constituency of Paris (parts of the 4e11e and 12e constituencies), the Minister in charge of Europe was preceded by Caroline Mecary, candidate of Nupes (41.40% against 35.81%), on a ground favorable to Emmanuel Macron since 2017. However, he was re-elected to 50.73% of the vote according to BFM TV, while his opponent from Nupes won 49.2% of the vote.

Olivia Grégoire, again elected without difficulty

The new government spokeswoman was unable to be pushed around in the 12e constituency of Paris (parts of the 7e and 15e borough). Credited with 39.51% on 1er round, she was already well ahead of her opponent Céline Malaisé (Nupes, 22.34%). She confirmed her result and was elected with 69.21% of the votes according to the partial results of the Ministry of the Interior (91.85% of those registered).

Justine Benin misses her bet

Elected deputy of the 2e constituency of Guadeloupe in 2017, Justine Benin finished 1er lap ahead of his various left opponent, Christian Baptiste (31.31% against 26.78%). But on this territory, the anti-Macron vote is very high: Jean-Luc Mélenchon had obtained more than 50% of the votes on 1er round of the presidential election, before Marine Le Pen wins 69%. During the second round of the legislative elections, the Secretary of State in charge of the sea was beaten by the various left candidate Christian Baptiste (Nupes). She should therefore resign from the government.
