How to deal with anxiety disorders?

How to deal with anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders are increasingly recognized by the scientific and medical communities. Moreover, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that, during the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, the latter increased significantly by 25%.

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While some people will turn to the cannabidiolrecognized for the beneficial effects of CBD on anxiety and sleep disorders, others will instead opt for applications intended to fight stress and find peace.

The mental health of many people is compromised

The spectrum of anxiety is particularly broad. Fatigue, sleep disorder, eating disorder, headaches, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, phobias… When it takes up too much space in the daily lives of people who suffer from it, anxiety can turn out to be disabling and incompatible with a serene daily life.

Despite persistent signals and a persistent feeling of unease, still few people go through the process of consulting a specialist. Psychological concerns are less often taken care of, or sometimes very late. Indeed, if many have the reflex to make an appointment with a general practitioner as soon as symptoms or illness appear, for mental health the journey is longer.

For its part, the field of mental health on digital media has experienced a great boom in just a few years. This first step towards accepting an unsuitable condition is often the beginning of a journey towards well-being…

Applications, digital support at your fingertips

In order to respond to the issues of cost, accessibility and to overcome preconceived ideas about mental disorders, the digital market has identified opportunities to offer support solutions on smartphones. The use of a app to manage anxiety and depression is increasingly common. Thus, each individual can accept their anxiety at their own pace and explore ways to reduce it, or even make it disappear completely.

These digital initiatives have the advantage of proving that anxiety is not inevitable and that people from all walks of life are affected. Their advantages are numerous:

  • take a step back from the emotions felt, manage to name them;
  • get comfort or resources to motivate yourself (through chatbots, articles or stimulating quotes);
  • benefit from a supportive community with whom to share and confide without fear of judgement;
  • take advantage of a gamification system to measure progress, set goals and try everything to achieve them.

Who are these devices for? To all those who feel the need. No one is immune to a bad patch or a particularly stressful period (family life, married life, professional life, etc.). If some people have trouble making the appointment with a psychologist or psychiatrist, these digital alternatives can be the right solution to benefit from understanding and help tools.

Of course, applications for mental health cannot replace the care provided by practitioners in the most worrying, chronic or pathological cases. They are more appropriate for the most common disorders of depression and anxiety.

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