Result of the Nupes in the 2022 legislative elections: a shock score, what role in the Assembly?

Result of the Nupes in the 2022 legislative elections a

NUPES. The result of the Nupes in the second round of the legislative elections is mixed, having failed to obtain the majority of seats in the Assembly against the presidential alliance. How many seats did the leftist coalition get?

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[Mis à jour le 20 juin 2022 à 00h52] The Nupes had a clear objective for this second round of the legislative elections: to steal the majority from Emmanuel Macron and send a maximum of deputies affiliated with the New Popular Ecological and Social Union to the National Assembly. The bet was however not won with figures not sufficient to allow Jean-Luc Mélenchon to become Prime Minister, but good enough to allow the Nupes to have an important role in the National Assembly.

What result for Nupes in the 2022 legislative elections?

According to the final results published overnight by the Ministry of the Interior, 131 deputies from the Nupes will now sit in the hemicycle. Conversely, Together!, presidential coalition, won 245 seats… In detail, this time according to estimates made at the beginning of the evening by Ipsos Sopra Steria for France 2 which counted on 149 seats, there were among the Nupes deputies 13 PCF seats, 86 for LFI, 22 for the PS and 28 for EELV.

The duality between the executive and the left will have punctuated the legislative campaign. The strategy of Nupes was to assert its program in relation to the proposals and policies of the President of the Republic. An opposition which gave rise to lively exchanges on purchasing power and the increase in VAT envisaged by the government according to the rebellious or on the issues facing global warming in the face of Emmanuel Macron’s “climate inaction” denounced by Nupes. A way of appearing in the eyes of voters as the best alternative for these legislative elections. Jean-Luc Mélenchon also called on all voters who did not want Emmanuel Macron’s policy for five more years during the inter-round period to choose Nupes as the opposition. A call relatively heard but reduced by the surprise weight of the RN in the 2nd round with 89 deputies for the party of Marine Le Pen according to Ipsos Sopra Steria.

The left had already succeeded in having four of its candidates elected in the first ballot, all of them are rebellious: Alexis Corbière in Seine-Saint-Denis and Danièle Obono, Sophie Chikirou and Sarah Legrain in Paris. Opposite, the presidential majority only obtained one deputy from the Phillipist Horizons party, Yannick Favennec, after the first round. The Nupes was also already certain to qualify three other candidates, the only ones running in their constituency after the withdrawal of their opponent: Soumya Bourouaha, Clémentine Autain and Elie Califer.

Who were the candidates invested by Nupes for the legislative elections?

Initially the Nupes had 577 candidates with a majority of personalities from La France insoumise (326). The other left-wing forces were respectively represented by 80 ecologists, 70 socialists and 50 communists, a distribution established according to the results in the first round of the presidential election and the number of outgoing deputies from each party. In the second round 406 Nupes candidates were still in the running and the rebellious remained in the majority, and four were elected in the first round: Alexis Corbière, Sophia Chikirou, Danièle Obono and Sarah Legrain. This evening, Clémentine Autain, Soumya Bourouaha and Elie Califer were also sure to be elected to the National Assembly under the banner of Nupes.

Other figures of La France insoumise were obviously in the race: Adrien Quatennens in the North, François Ruffin in the Somme or Manuel Bompard who presented himself in the 4th district of Bouches-du-Rhône to take over from Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The other political parties members of the coalition also had heavyweights among their candidates: Julien Bayou, Sandrine Rousseau or Delphine Batho for EELV and the ecologists; Olivier Faure and Valérie Rabaud on the PS side; Fabien Roussel for the PCF.

Candidates from civil society also defended the colors of Nupes and recorded very good scores in the first round of the legislative elections, like the baker Stéphane Ravacley who came first in the 2nd constituency of Doubs or the governess Rachel Keke who had preceded the former Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, in the 7th constituency of Val-de-Marne.

Is Nupes a political party?

The New Popular Ecological and Social Union or Nupes, is the coalition of the left that has shaken up the legislative elections. Bringing together the rebellious, carriers and majority within the alliance, the socialists, the ecologists and the communists, it gives life to the plural left of the legislative elections of 1997. The Nupes hopes to achieve the same feat as 25 years ago in obtaining an absolute majority in the National Assembly this Sunday, June 19. Be careful, however, not to consider the Nupes as the merger of left-wing political parties because no formation wishes to dissolve in this nebula. Manuel Bompard, rebellious and negotiator for the conclusion of the alliance repeated on June 14 on RFI that Nupes was not a political party but a coalition: once in the Assembly, each deputy will sit in the group of his left. However, the left hopes to remain united long after the legislative elections because the coalition “is intended to last”, according to Bompard.
