LR result in the 2022 legislative elections: limited damage and a real role to play!

LR result in the 2022 legislative elections limited damage and

LR. The Republicans are fixed this Sunday, June 19 on the evening of the 2nd round of the 2022 legislative elections. They have managed to save their parliamentary group and could play a role in the face of the fragmentation of the majority of Emmanuel Macron.

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[Mis à jour le 19 juin 2022 à 23h52] It was D-Day for the Les Républicains party! The results of the second round of legislative elections looked like a turning point for the French right and the number of seats obtained will inevitably give rise to questions and tensions within the party’s headquarters, located rue de Vaugirard in Paris, but also grounds for hope because the LR deputies could well have a role referee to play in the Assembly over the next few months.

With 75 deputies according to the projections of Ipsos Sopra-Steria for France Télévisions, the LR-UDI group nevertheless arrives in 4th position, behind the RN and its 85 deputies, and far from the Nupes (149 deputies) and Ensemble (230 deputies) , losing its status as the leading opposition party. However, the strong breakthrough of the alliance of left parties could, despite itself, favor Les Républicains. Thus, Emmanuel Macron having only obtained a relative majority at the Bourbon Palace, he will have to negotiate an agreement in order to be able to pass his laws to Parliament. The President of the Republic will then have the choice of composing with the few various left-wing deputies who will have been elected on the sidelines of the Nupes, or the right-wing deputies. It still seems unlikely that a large number of dissident deputies from the left will make their entry into the Assembly, the Nupes having given pride of place to the representatives LFI and EELV. All eyes will be on the side of the Republicans…

Being able to count in the politics carried out on a national scale, the leaders of LR could not have dreamed of better! Indeed, if the local anchorage of the Republican right remains relevant, the last elections (8% in the European elections, less than 5% in the presidential elections) at national level did not bode well for the future of the Gaullist party. If we are far from the 199 duels in which LR participated in 2017, the score of the first round on June 12 also represented “a relief” for the training, as explained to the World the leader of LR MEPs, François-Xavier Bellamy, welcoming the fact that some candidates have “multiplied the result of their presidential candidate by ten”. The party, in the lead in 42 territories, made some significant breakthroughs in certain constituencies, ultimately not fully confirmed on the evening of the second round.

Together! finds itself on the evening of this second round with a relative majority and will be forced to form alliances to avoid too recurrent political blockages on the part of the opposition parties. The most logical thing would be for Emmanuel Macron’s formation to turn to the right in order to prevent the left or the far right from obstructing state reforms.

Despite the situation, and after the berezina of the presidential election, the Republicans still refused to form any alliance before the election. This is a position that the president of the Republican senators Bruno Retailleau renewed at the microphone of the morning of South Radio on May 15: “We will be in opposition”, he declared, saying that he disagreed with “those who consider that a coalition agreement should be concluded”. On the question of the vote with the majority, he decided: “It will be text by text”. Pierre-Henri Dumont, the secretary general of the LRs, did not say anything else on June 10, when he affirmed that the LR group would put pressure on the President of the Republic and his probable majority in the Assembly: “Either they take our amendments, our bills, and in this case we can vote on certain things with them to ensure the safety and health of the French, or this is not the case, and we will vote against the texts”. Finally, on June 15, Rachida Dati was firm at the microphone of France info : “We will not go to the government”, she said, believing that the party would play a key role in the National Assembly: “it is absolutely necessary that we have a responsible political group in the National Assembly We will be a decisive bloc, a real counterweight to responsibility.”

However, the Republicans will probably have no choice but to join forces if they want to weigh in the decision-making balance of parliamentarians. Especially since a recent meeting is fueling speculation about possible future discussions between the presidential camp and Les Républicains: that of the arrival at the Elysee Palace of the President of the Senate, LR Gérard Larcher. The information is signed Point. The President of the Republic would have received it on Monday at the end of the afternoon. “It was a question of doing a general sweep, not grub, but they obviously talked about politics” comments a relative familiar with the meeting.
