what speech and what announcements on the Covid?

what speech and what announcements on the Covid

CASTEX. Prime Minister Jean Castex will be present at 20 hours of France 2, this Monday January 10, 2022. To hold what speech? Are announcements expected?

The essential

  • Jean Castex will be present at the 20 hours news of France 2 this Monday January 10, 2022 to “discuss the health situation” announced the channel. The Prime Minister will answer questions from Anne-Sophie Lapix.
  • What announcements should be made by the head of government? According to the public service, he will address the issue of the health protocol, “in particular in National Education”. Discussions could also revolve around various subjects related to the Covid-19 epidemic in France, in particular questions of tests or the vaccine pass. No major enforcement action should be announced.
  • The tenor of Jean Castex’s speech should also be particularly observed, while the Hexagon faces a very active circulation of coronavirus with the contamination records recorded last week.
  • The interview can be followed live on our site.


19:12 – The sanitary protocol at school still reviewed?

In a press release, France 2 specified the main lines that will be discussed by Jean Castex on Monday evening. The public service indicates that it will be a question of “the evolution of the health protocol, in particular in National Education”. Announcements could be made to modify a protocol already lightened less than a week after its implementation, due to too many screenings requested to allow children to go to school.

6:48 pm – Jean Castex invited to 20h00 de France 2 Monday evening

Monday at the end of the afternoon, Francetvinfo announced the arrival of Jean Castex, this Monday evening, on the set of 20 hours of France 2. The Prime Minister must “evoke the health situation”, less than a week after the holding of the last Council of health defense.

Find out more

Are we going to be entitled to new announcements related to the health situation in France? Prime Minister Jean Castex will be present at the JT of France 2, this Monday, January 10, 2022, from 8 p.m. According to Francetvinfo, who made the announcement, the head of government will be on the set to “discuss the health situation”. Faced with Anne-Sophie Lapix, he should discuss the very active circulation of Covid-19 in France, while record figures of contamination were recorded the previous week and stop on the vaccine pass, whose bill is currently studied in the Senate. He could also speak on the subject of tests: faced with the explosion of screening, pharmacies as well as the laboratories carrying out them are no longer able to keep pace. Could a new protocol be put in place, like the reduction in that introduced for children? Will Jean Castex’s remarks also be turned towards this discovery of an alleged “Deltacron” variant, on which scientists are still skeptical? Will the question of a possible 4th dose of vaccine be addressed?

At first glance, no new big announcements should be made by the Prime Minister on Monday evening. First because Emmanuel Macron said he wanted to “let live” the various measures introduced at the end of the Health Defense Council of December 27. In addition, no leak of any information was made in the media, as is very often the case in the preamble of government announcements. Jean Castex could address the issue of FFP2 masks, the opinion of the High Council for Public Health of which must be made public or even detail the “plan to strengthen our testing policy” announced by Gabriel Attal on Sunday evening.
