Wedding boom in Sweden: "Huge difference"

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Some have been forced to postpone their wedding both two and three times, others have had ice in their stomachs and have completely waited to book – until now.

– It is a huge difference compared to during the pandemic. There are a lot of requests every week, even this summer, says wedding coordinator Isabella Nyman at Isabella’s event.

The corona pandemic not only interrupted wedding plans, but also affected many entrepreneurs in the industry financially.

– Many suppliers did not make it through the pandemic and that void is noticeable. I notice the increased pressure both with myself but also with suppliers. There are other response times and a more stressed tone, at the same time everyone is very happy about this.

Litter with wedding times

Those who manage to have a free wedding this summer are lucky. Stockholm City Hall has a longer waiting time than usual for wedding time and even in the country’s churches, the bride and groom will take turns.

– There is high demand, all our wedding times are fully booked. It is great fun, both in terms of baptism and marriage, it is so, says Rebecka Tudor, deputy pastor of Tyresö church, which is one of the most popular churches for marriage in Stockholm.

– During the pandemic, there were not many weddings, maybe it is an effect of it, but I also think that this is what the summers look like in Tyresö, she continues.

“Want it to dance”

Rebecka Tudor says that the longing to get together is obvious and that those who may not have intended such a large wedding from the beginning, suddenly want it. And Isabella Nyman has noticed that many couples have increased their budget. The growing longing combined with the opportunity for extra time to save money, she believes may be two underlying factors.

The wedding coordinator Isabella Nyman has worked with weddings for the past five years and has never before experienced such great pressure as now. Press image.

TT: What are the couples longing for?

Details, you want very personal weddings. Many have longed to have a large crowd gathered and a big party, everyone wants it to be danced.

– What I have especially noticed is that many want to put a larger budget on each guest, that each person should have a greater experience. The budget is increased because you want to do more for the guests, she continues.

Something that money is invested in in detail is, among other things, flower arrangements.

– Previously, we have mostly had orders for the bridal party. But now they want to invest more in the wedding venue and the party. Flowers make so much of a wedding and I think people have now understood during the pandemic how much flowers make themselves at home, says Sarah Angelsiöö, florist at Gullvivan in Stockholm, who is puzzled with extra staff this summer to meet the high demand.

TT: What trends do you see?

– Very very floral, it has been a trend for quite a few years that it should be wild and look summer-picked. But now I think there are a lot of flowers and less green.

After two years of pandemic, there is a hectic time for the entire wedding industry. Be out in good time

Sarah Angelsiöö says that it happens that brides come with flower orders as late as two weeks before the wedding. But late bookings can mean that the bride and groom need to be flexible with their wishes, Isabella Nyman warns.

– It can be very difficult, but everything can be solved. It depends on how flexible you can be. But if you want a specific room, florist or photographer, it is better to wait, she says.

– Everyone wants the best for all brides and grooms, so everyone will do their utmost to be able to help. You will not hear “no it’s run” even if you are out late, she adds.

TT: When should you start planning?

– In normal cases, I would say 12-18 months before. But now it’s as soon as you can. Book and lock the room and book the team you want. It is better to book early and then take a planning break.

After several years of bridal bouquets with very wild and green elements, the trend has now shifted to more floral, according to Sarah Angelsiöö.
