far ahead in the North!

far ahead in the North

DARMANINE. Gérald Darmanin clearly leads in the 10th constituency of the North during this first round of the legislative elections, ahead of the RN and the Nupes.

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[Mis à jour le 12 juin 2022 à 22h00] We know the final result of Gérald Darmanin in the first round of the legislative elections. The Minister of the Interior, candidate in the 10th district of the North, obtains 39.11% of the votes there, followed by Leslie Morteux (Nupes) with 23.08% and Mélanie d’Hont (RN) with 21.91% according to the results transmitted by the Ministry of the Interior this Sunday, June 12 in the evening. On Twitter, Gérald Darmanin declared: “Thank you very sincerely to the inhabitants of Tourcoing, Linselles, Neuville en Ferrain, Roncq, Bousbecque and Halluin for having placed us very largely in the lead of this first round, with nearly 40% of the votes! next Sunday!

This constituency includes part of the city of Tourcoing, of which he was briefly mayor from May to August 2020, before leaving his post to focus exclusively on his duties as minister. Established locally, as evidenced by his victory in the 2012 legislative elections in this same constituency, but also his positions as regional councilor for Nord-Pas-de-Calais between 2010 and 2014 and vice-president of the Regional Council of the new Hauts-de-Calais region. France from 2016 to 2020, he is a familiar figure for voters in the North. However, his absence from the 2017 legislative elections and his sometimes controversial mandate as Minister of the Interior are also to be taken into account for this high-stakes election.

“If ever some of us do not receive the confidence of the people, they will have to learn the lessons and withdraw from the government”. These are the words of the new spokesperson for LREM, Olivia Grégoire, when she was asked about France Inter about the ministers who are candidates for the legislative elections next June. Freshly appointed, they will have to resign if they are not elected in their constituency. This test of confidence therefore also applies to the reappointed minister Gérald Darmanin, who has never before been minister and deputy at the same time. Answer Sunday, June 19th after the 2th round…

What are the controversies surrounding Gérald Darmanin’s speeches?

Today a candidate for deputy, the renewed Minister of the Interior has often been talked about for his speeches, with recurring controversies. One of the most striking concerned the “wildness”, a term he used to describe “a part of society” during an interview for the Figaro. His detractors had reproached him for these words often associated with the extreme right and in particular theorized by Laurent Obertone; the turmoil having reached the LREM party, he had even been heard by the Law Commission of the National Assembly.

We also remember his homophobic tweets written during the debates around same-sex marriage and which had resurfaced when he was appointed Minister of Action and Public Accounts in 2017. In particular, he displayed his support for the Manif pour all and his parliamentary opposition to the bill for same-sex marriage, positions pinpointed by many media, in particular by the tribune of the doctoral student at the EHESS Alban Ketelbuters, published in Release and repeatedly relayed on social networks.

Finally, he had been accused of returning to a “cipher policy” in the national police when he restored the written and encrypted instructions in certain departments of the national police. More recently, it was his comments about alleged “massive ticket fraud by English fans” during the Champions League final at the Stade de France on May 28, 2022 that caused a stir. With a match delayed by more than thirty minutes, overflows around the stadium and tear gas used by the police, the event was chaotic, and its management highly criticized abroad. Gérald Darmanin was heard by the Senate’s law and culture committees on June 1, a speech that was also highly commented on.

Gérald Darmanin is a candidate for deputy in the 10th district of the North, where he was elected deputy in 2012 under the banner of the UMP. Winning 54.88% of the vote at the time against Zina Dahmani of the PS, he sat in the National Assembly until the new elections of 2017, where he did not compete. In fact, from 2017, he became Minister of Action and Public Accounts in the government of Emmanuel Macron. These last five years have been for him the time of rapprochement with LREM, until becoming Minister of the Interior in July 2020.

After an absence in the 2017 legislative elections, Gérald Darmanin decided to try his luck again by running in the 10th district of the North. During a press conference in Bousbecque in the North, he declared that this decision had been matured alongside Emmanuel Macron: “After talking about it with the President of the Republic, I decided (…) to be a candidate next June”. To carry out his campaign, he can count on his future deputy, who is none other than the outgoing deputy for the 10th constituency Vincent Ledoux, invested under the LR label in 2017 and today a member of the right-wing pro- Macron “Act”. In 2017, Sophie Taïeb, invested by En Marche!, narrowly missed her place against him with 44.07% of the vote.

Widely tipped to appear in the new government team, Gérald Darmanin was reappointed to the post of Minister of the Interior during the cabinet reshuffle. Formerly close to Nicolas Sarkozy, he joined the government of Emmanuel Macron as Minister of Action and Public Accounts from 2017 to 2020, before the consecration: the post of Minister of the Interior in August 2020. Very invested in the presidential campaign of the outgoing president, Gérald Darmanin has become a pillar of the right at LREM.

Gérald Darmanin, from LR to Macron

The current Minister of the Interior has served as a member of the government since 2017 and the election of Emmanuel Macron as President, but he was first Minister of Action and Public Accounts from 2017 to 2020 before to move into the Hôtel de Beauvau. In addition to the various functions he has held for the government, the politician has also invested in his native region, Hauts-de-France. He was appointed regional councilor for Nord-Pas-de-Calais between 2010 and 2014 then sat on the Regional Council of the new Hauts-de-France region from 2016 to 2020, he was even its vice-president during his term of office. by Xavier Bertrand. The list of local mandates exercised by Gérald Darmanin ends at the town hall of Tourcoing as first deputy mayor for three years, before a brief stint as mayor of the city until his appointment to become Minister of the Interior.

Gérald Darmanin joined the right in 1998 with the RPR and evolved within the political family now known as Les Républicains, until 2017 when shortly after the Fillon affair he decided to leave the party. . He then joined Emmanuel Macron’s movement, La République en Marche.

The politician had to endure several controversies such as accusations of rape and harassment or abuse of weakness in 2017 and 2018. The cases notably came back to the fore when he became Minister of the Interior, which earned Gérald Darmanin strong opposition from some feminist activists. Also in 2017, the politician was able to make comments and defend homophobic positions on the issue of same-sex marriage, and affirmed his support for the Manif pour Tous movement. The politician subsequently reconsidered his remarks, explaining that he regretted them, on the subject of homosexual marriage he ended up explaining that he preferred the authorization of a civil union.
