The third best MCU film is on TV today – and it just doesn’t get any worse

The third best MCU film is on TV today

With Iron Man, one of the most important blockbusters of the 21st century hit the cinemas in May 2008. The comic adaptation directed by Jon Favreau laid the cornerstone of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which would become the most powerful franchise in Hollywood over the next few years. Will Iron Man stand the test of time?

More than a decade after its theatrical release, there is no end in sight to the superhero:inside boom. It is all the more exciting to go to one of the key films of that movement to return. Iron Man hasn’t aged badly at all. On the contrary: it even easily withstands crossover events like Avengers 4: Endgame.

  • Today on TV: Iron Man airs tonight at 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben. The repetition follows at 00:45 at night. Alternatively, you can stream the film on Disney+.
  • Iron Man, starring Robert Downey Jr., continues to be a terrific Marvel film

    In our large ranking of all MCU films, Iron Man is enthroned at number 3. Neither the fight against Thanos, the adventures of the Guardians of the Galaxy nor the encounter of three Spider-Man generations come to Robert Downey Jr.’s first Flight in Iron Armor approach. Iron Man is one of the most well-rounded Marvel films ever.

    You can watch the trailer for Iron Man here:

    Iron Man – Trailer (German)

    What’s particularly intriguing: Thrilled Iron Man 2008 with a sense of coolness and freshness nothing has changed about it. After all the pompous blockbusters designed just to create or expand universes, the film feels eerily straightforward, purposeful, and varied.

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    Ten years after its theatrical release, do you still like Iron Man?
